#social 2018-09-13
2018-09-13 UTC
cwebber2, sandro_, sandro__, sandro___, cwebber and danirc joined the channel
heluecht[m] I'm currently thinking about how to work with articles with several pictures inside. Let's imagine I was writing some holiday report. I would write some lines text, followed by one or more pictures, then some more text, then some pictures, ...
heluecht[m] Question is, if the pictures should be added addtionally as an attachment or should only be referenced by the appropriate HTML element.
heluecht[m] And: What is the usecase for the type "Page"? I would imagine to use it to share links to (for example) news outlet. So some small introduction text, followed by the link. Would you do it identically?
saranix both? I feel like the attachments meta is informative just like the mentions so that you can do some ui-foo if you want
xmpp-social joined the channel
saranix or caching
saranix plenty of cool stuff you can do if the meta is there, decisions you can make
saranix otoh, parsing the html isn't that much more work
saranix I think Page is more of an artifact of Activity Streams.... "so and so Updated https://corporatewebsite.example", "somebody Created https://wiki.example/foo" ... but I have wondered about other ways to use it
saranix if you treat every static html page on your site as an AP Page object, you can use AP for access control. You could even use the source attribute to make it a markdown / wiki type ux
heluecht[m] So you think that when I'm sharing a link to a page it is a note or an article?
heluecht[m] Concerning the attachments and the embedded pictures I want to prevent that different implementations do display the articles in a not so beautiful way.
saranix a Note would be "hey check out <link>" as in microblogging. For the actual publishing of the longform thing with many images that would be an Article, or a Page if it is a wiki. As for it looking good I think that will be a long process...
saranix ... current implementations don't even display the "content" of an "Announce" so you can't even use that as a 'reshare' note like the Diaspora/Zot protocol does
heluecht[m] Yeah, it will be some hard definition work, implementing all stuff from DFRN into AP.
vasilakisfil joined the channel
heluecht[m] Hello cwebber2
heluecht[m] Do you see the backlog (my questions concerning attached images in articles?)
vt joined the channel; vt left the channel
heluecht[m] Question in general is where and how to discuss specific implementation details, like for example sharing of links from news outlets with title, preview picture, summary, ...
vt joined the channel
heluecht[m] I would like to write my questions down somewhere and would like to get some feedback - to avoid creating some "island solution" that is only compatible to the own system.
vt left the channel
heluecht[m] What does "wdyt" mean?
nightpool[m] what do you think
nightpool[m] sorry, to be clear, wdyt means "what do you think"
heluecht[m] Thanks. I'm not so familiar with these abbreviations or however you could call this.
heluecht[m] Acronyms?
heluecht[m] cwebber2: sounds like a workable idea. I have to document all use cases that we currently support in dfrn.
heluecht[m] In fact we do have some funny things like: terminate our relationship and remove the contact from both sides. So we can stop someone from following us.
nightpool[m] there are currently two different ways
nightpool[m] one is Reject
{ Follow }
nightpool[m] and the other is Block and then later Unblock
heluecht[m] Nice. There should be some documentation (in the wiki?) for the several use cases. Possibly this could even contain some information who implemented it on the sender and/or receiver side.
vt and cdchapman joined the channel; vt left the channel