#social 2018-10-14

2018-10-14 UTC
dmitriz, xmpp-social, Guest84 and amz3 joined the channel
hello, I was wondering about if anybody is coding a replacement for stackoverflow / quora for the decentralized web?
vt, cwebber2 and up201705417 joined the channel; vt left the channel
hello, I was wondering about if anybody is coding a replacement for stackoverflow / quora for the decentralized web?
or if AP can work in this context?
amz3: it is more about what vocabulary to use.. https://schema.org/Question seems appropriate but as for how to represent that in json-ld I am not entirely sure. Maybe someone else can field that one.
amz3: what kind of "federation" are you thinking about?
I'm having trouble thinking of how to usefully apply a federated network to Q&A sites aside from the federated network we already have (the internet)
If I write an answer to a question I'd like to post that to my own website rather than have to make an account somewhere else and write in someone else's space
Same with writing reviews. I don't mind if amazon has a copy of my review but I'd rather write it and have it on my website