#social 2018-10-15

2018-10-15 UTC
rigelk joined the channel
amz3: rialtate[m]: we do have Question in activitystreams https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#questions
raucao joined the channel
cwebber2: different usecase, clumsy imho, and does not include acceptedAnswer or downvotesCount/upvotesCount, etc.
cwebber2: also very weird that it wants to be both an activity and an object. The schema.org one has Ask or something like that.
xmpp-social, vasilakisfil and d3z joined the channel
a writeup about my new endeavor as I mentioned on the last CG call https://dustycloud.org/blog/spritely/
dmitriz, xmpp-social, stephank, ahihi, ma1uta and dmitriz1 joined the channel; vt left the channel