ben_thatmustbeme, up201705417, pantherse, aaronpk, xmpp-social, tantek, vasilakisfil, dmitriz, timbl, vasilakisfil_, dan, dlongley_ and davipeach joined the channel
puckdepends. All you need is the ID of the Follow, the actor, and the object. Mastodon only stores that, but some other pieces of software (like Kroeg and some others in development) store the entire object
rialtate[m]puck: how is it not a bug? Update MUST send the complete object... Replacing the object with the supplied one would leave you with an incorrect copy
rialtate[m]That can't be right. You would have to make an assumption that the conext hasnt changed and merge the 2 objects which is precisely what that MUST says not to do.