#social 2018-10-24

2018-10-24 UTC
ajordan`` joined the channel
I'm getting "signed request date outide of acceptable time window" from mastodon but it isn't. I am using the same exact date format that they send... Any clue?
But your server time doesn't fit their server time.
either you aren't sending UTC or your server is out of sync.
Just don't use the time to sign the HTTP at all. Use the digest and the content-length.
timbl joined the channel
It randomly started working. It does seem to require "GMT" and can't understand "UTC" lol but it was still doing it for some reason...
It's really sad that I have to use a superspecific date format when all the other impls accept just about any format, but I certainly won't drop date entirely just cause mastodon. It serves a purpose and the universe does not revolve around what (little) mastodon is able to understand.
The HTTP signature fields just serve the purpose to validate the content. So you could use any fielfs that are about to be different from post to post.
Using the digest and content-length is safer and without problems.
But thanks for reminding me that I have to do some date range check as well.
The std says to allow 300 seconds skew in either direction. Mastodon allows 12 hours.
Date serves as a nonce against replays, but it's less important over https
I think there was some other reason I am using date too, like some impl require it I think but I can't remember which
xmpp-social, dan, tantek, vasilakisfil and dmitriz joined the channel
what protocols/specs is it possible to implement in a static site? I know rss/atom, is there any other ?
tantek, dmitriz, dan, vasilakisfil_ and jdormit_mobile joined the channel
Under what circumstances does Mastodon display an activity sent to its inbox from an actor that the Mastodon user doesn't follow?
I'm trying to implement replies where the Mastodon user follows the Actor who posted the parent but not the Actor who posted the reply
when the user is mentioned in the activity
How does that work for just viewing a reply chain where you don't necessarily follow everyone in the conversation?
I guess I'm not sure what you mean by display, then
display in a user's inbox, or just store for later?
mastodon never discards any activities except duplicates
Display in the reply thread when you click on the parent toot
anything that's recursively inReplyTo the parent toot
Hmm I think I am doing that
E.g. https://mastodon.technology/web/statuses/100950396600252230 has several replies from different actors, but I'm only seeing the replies from the actor that I follow
jdormit joined the channel
and you're sure you're sending all four activities to the inbox?
Oh you know what, I don't think I'm putting inReplyTo on the reply object itself, just on the Create activity
Let me check
then why was the first reply showing up?
vasilakisfil_: You can implement microformats, in particular h-feed, h-entry, h-card for your static HTML pages. start here: https://indieweb.org/h-feed
I'd guess there's something wrong with either your actor accounts for anonymous users or your authentication for them
You can implement Webmention by delegating to a service to receive them on your behalf, and then embed results. See https://indieweb.org/Webmention#Services to start for that. There are similar projects that help static sites support Micropub and Websub as well.
It's the other way around, actually - the inReplyTo is going on the Note object but not on the wrapping Create. Would that be a problem?
FWIW the posts that are showing up (from the actor that I already follow) also only have inReplyTo on the object and not the Create
yeah I think you can do some basic stuff on static sites, and then more advanced if you can delegate the dynamic parts to services. I think it would be great to clean up these in my head, will investigate more
timbl joined the channel
jdormit: inReplyTo is a property on Objects, not Activities
or at least, not conventionally on activities
okay so I've got that right then
if I visit the actor profile of the actor who I don't follow, the Mastodon UI says they have 1 toot but it doesn't show up: https://mastodon.technology/web/accounts/146238
vasilakisfil_ there's a whole community of folks supporting all these standards/formats/protocols with Jekyll and other static site generators. https://indieweb.org/static_site_generator
tantek yes I have heard jekyll, problem is that there isn't really a guide which can tell you what you can/can't do with a static site. Honestly not interested to learn the internals of every single spec to make my site as social as I could be but I guess I ll have to
vasilakisfil_: the short answer re: what can/can't do with a static site is that in many cases with various approaches, people don't know until they try, and someone figures it out, builds a service or library, and then others are able to re-use
you definitely don't have to learn the internals of every single spec
vasilakisfil_: what tooling (if any) do you use today for your static site?
tantek I used to have jekyll, then moved to ghost (guh), then to hugo but now I am considering ember-ghost since I am an ember dev for years and provides me enormous flexibility
I know that there was a girl here, can't remember her name, that had done a very interesting phd in social stuff but would like to take a close look in socializing static-only sites
it's the easiest thing to setup for anyone without sacrificing his/her privacy
heh, you're probably referring to rhiaro
Guest84 joined the channel
vasilakisfil_: Hugo itself has a good set of folks using it. There's a theme with microformats already all setup, and an open source Micropub endpoint: https://indieweb.org/nanopub
and on Hugo in general https://indieweb.org/Hugo
ah cool that's gold thanks!
puck, dmitriz, tantek and puckipedia joined the channel
jdormit: figure it out yet? I have been having similar problems for weeks with no answer yet
timbl, vasilakisfil and vasilakisfil_ joined the channel; vt left the channel
timbl and puckipedia joined the channel
When fetching a post url with activity+json, does the object returned have to be inside a Create activity?
ajordan joined the channel