#social 2019-02-17
2019-02-17 UTC
Rixon[m] > <@irc_trwnh:cybre.space> Rixon[m]: not really, each hubzilla channel is its own identity
Rixon[m] ==
Rixon[m] > multiple 'channels' which are more appropriate analogues of the URI ID in AP
Rixon[m] ==
Rixon[m] > multiple 'channels' which are more appropriate analogues of the URI ID in AP
Rixon[m] Uhmm... good work Riot.
xmpp-social joined the channel
fr33domlover Btw in case anyone is wondering, I am indeed working on repo federation using ActivityPub, it's totally alive :) It's going more slowly than I'd like (I have a full time j0b etc.) but I'm making good progress :)
nightpool[m] that's great!
fr33domlover There are many issues I'd love to discuss in the community, the tiny details of how to implement certain things. Hmmm maybe on SocialHub
dansup fr33domlover: Nice!