#social 2019-02-18
2019-02-18 UTC
cwebber2 finished writing up the documentation for the Spritely Golem demo: https://gitlab.com/spritely/golem/blob/master/README.org

Guest84 and xmpp-social joined the channel
fr33domlover cwebber2, great documentation!!
rZr joined the channel
jdormit[m] cwebber2 (IRC): Great writeup. Haven't gotten a chance to run the demo yet but I'm impressed with the work you've done so far. I'd like to learn more about the symmetric encryption part of the demo - do both Alice and Bob use the same key? How would you encrypt a message such that only one other actor could read it?
jdormit[m] I guess in general what should I be googling to learn more about that type of encryption?
jdormit[m] so when Alice sent Bob her message, she also included the key? And since she didn't send it to anyone else, even though the content is publically accessible via the magenc uri only Bob and alice have the key to decrypt it
jdormit[m] So is Alice trusting Bob to not just send the key along to someone else?
jdormit[m] see you around :)
nightpool[m] but because it's a symmetric key, there's no risk in bob sending it to someone else, right?
nightpool[m] they only have bob's word that it's alice's key
nightpool[m] i guess it depends on the properties of the exchange channel
nightpool[m] that's used to bootstrap the magnetenc link
jdormit[m] what's to stop Bob from saying, "here's the URI of the private message Alice sent me and here's the key she sent with it"? Couldn't anyone then use that key to decrypt the message?
nightpool[m] sure, but he could also take a screenshot
jdormit[m] yeah fair enough
jdormit[m] I guess all encryption is predicated on trusting the recipient party
nightpool[m] i mean not really
nightpool[m] that's why we have deniability
nightpool[m] screenshots aren't authenticatable
nightpool[m] public key encryption, for example, is completely authenticatable
nightpool[m] you have mathematically unarguable proof living around forever that you said something
jdormit[m] whereas because symmetric keys aren't inherently tied to an identity, they are deniable?
nightpool[m] i don't think it's true to say they're deniable in and of themselves
nightpool[m] it depends on the channel they were exchanged over
nightpool[m] but they don't make the situation any worse, so they provide the ability to build deniable solutions "beneath" them
nightpool[m] i mean, there's nothing that prevents asymmetric encryption from being used in this way either
nightpool[m] you just lose the benefit of being able to have a "public" key in the same sense, so there's a lot less reason to use it
jdormit[m] right, that makes sense. i.e. the whole point of asymmetric encryption is having a public key that anyone has access to that is tied to your identity
jdormit[m] cwebber's magenc writeup made it a lot clearer
jdormit[m] would recommend
rZr and cwebber2 joined the channel
dansup Hello, started a new side project, self hosted status page with AP support to follow service updates!
nightpool[m] saw that!
jdormit[m] dansup: a status page for PixelFed?
dansup jdormit[m]: its not just for pixelfed, anything really :)
dansup just recorded a screencast, one sec
dansup jdormit[m]: you are in it from that irc notification lol, https://mastodon.social/@dansup/101615045850065670
dansup i didnt want to re-record it
jdormit[m] Haha I am famous now!
jdormit[m] Don't have a chance to watch now but will make time tonight or tomorrow
vitalyster left the channel
dansup jdormit[m]: heh yeah its pretty simple atm, need to finish the InboxWorker and Fanout jobs (it only accepts Follow and Undo.Follow) https://github.com/dansup/state