2019-02-20 UTC
# 00:33 jdormit[m] The spec does leave a lot up for interpretation though
Guest84, oceatoon and xmpp-social joined the channel
# 06:37 oceatoon is there a way to visualize who is where , in this community ? and what projects are in dev or production concerning the socialWG to give a bit more holoptism to the W3c socialWG
# 06:40 dansup I'm not aware of anything like that, the closest thing I can think of is the-federation.info
# 06:42 oceatoon that's great , I'm working on communecter.org , it's really easy to give visibility to a community like here
# 06:43 oceatoon by referencing people projects
# 06:43 oceatoon we've implemented activityStream since the beginning
# 06:44 oceatoon we are just struggling to set up ActivityPub
# 06:44 oceatoon and I arrived here again (after many years of absence ;) )
# 06:44 oceatoon looking for some help
# 06:45 oceatoon and realised I'd like to understand easily the who , what, where, why... of this community
# 06:46 oceatoon I used to participate in the socialWG, back then the project was called Human Pixel (pixelhumain)
# 06:48 dansup what language is communecter written in?
# 06:49 dansup AP has a diverse community of devs that speak diff programming languages
rZr, Guest84, up201705417, booteille[m], vitalyster, TUSF and oceatoon joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
# 15:10 oceatoon we have 2 stacks running over the same DB , one in PHP and another more mobile oriented in meteor nodejs
# 15:11 oceatoon how is it posible to get in touch with devs interested ? are they all here ?
# 15:34 cjslep[m] Some are here. Some are in Feneas. Some are on socialhub. Some are in the Fediverse. Some are elsewhere. I think if you just ask your specific questions, people here will be able to give you answers.
TUSF, vitalyster and jglauche joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
# 21:48 jdormit[m] Development on the libaray is probably 50% done, but progress is slow because I work (sadly, on non-AP stuff) full time
# 21:49 jdormit[m] But also echoing cjslep, best bet for getting help is just asking the questions you need answered