#social 2019-02-21
2019-02-21 UTC
Guest84_, TUSF and oceatoon joined the channel
oceatoon cool thanks for the info , @cjslep[m] I'd love to help build a visualisation of all these contexts maybe you guys here want to start
oceatoon @jdormit I'll look into it thanks
dansup oceatoon: look forward to it!
oceatoon how should we call the group ? Social Web Working Group ?
oceatoon offcourse once AP is implemented it'll be part of the fediverse
dansup i prefer to call it ap gang, but SocialCG is the name
oceatoon we can all join there and more important promote our respective project and visualize where every one is geographically
dansup I recently started a new AP project, a self hosted status page/uptime monitor. https://state.pixelfed.net
oceatoon App Gang :D I like that
dansup source code: https://github.com/dansup/state
oceatoon it could also be part of an existing group called OAE : Open App Ecosystem if you guys want
oceatoon wow maybe this is a great step cause since you use PHP
oceatoon this might be totaly compatible with our framework
oceatoon it could probably almost work out of the 'inbox'
oceatoon ;)
dansup heh, yeah!
oceatoon what DB do you use in the Back End
dansup for https://pixelfed.social mysql.
dansup and I use sqlite for state.pixelfed.net
dansup it supports postgres, sqlite, sql server and mysql
oceatoon hmm we're on nosql mongoDB
oceatoon that might be a blocker
dansup oceatoon: I think there is a laravel mongodb database driver
dansup I know you can add pretty much any database type because the schema is abstracted
oceatoon cool , i'm not familiar with Laravel , but maybe we can connect to talk about it live ? do you care to have a 15min call ?
oceatoon just to see if .... ;)
oceatoon here's the OAE community https://www.communecter.org/#@oae
dansup I don't do phone calls or video chat, only irc :)
dansup I had a few crazy clients that made me want to not have a cell phone lol
oceatoon anyone can join , there are some implementations of activity pub , by commonsPub , value flows, OCE Open collab economy, ...
dansup I wouldn't get your hopes up about commonsPub :)
oceatoon hahaha all initiatives are good as long as they respect the ethics ;)
oceatoon after it's just a question of time and motivation
oceatoon and knowledge ;)
dansup they basically forked pleroma and decided to rewrite it without working with the upstream developers for no apparent reason
oceatoon not a good choice
dansup I'm not sure if they are working with any other AP implementation, but the real innovation is with Mastodon, Pleroma, PeerTube, Pixelfed and others
pierr974 joined the channel
oceatoon we can add common sense to the list then :D
emmat_ joined the channel
oceatoon yep I here you but I'm not judging all these initiatives
dansup Anfora, Peertube and Pixelfed are working on a live streaming ActivityPub extension!
dansup working together on the AP implementation I mean
oceatoon I'm dreaming of a nice and cozy place we can visualize this beautifull innovative community and project
oceatoon we've had activityStreams implemented since 2016 we just never found the time to come back around here
dansup oceatoon: https://fediverse.party/
oceatoon but now is the time to connect the dots
oceatoon interfaces are getting better and things moved in paralele
oceatoon yep I saw that
oceatoon but it's missing interactivity and geolocation , availability, competence , knowledge , ressources, needs ...etc
oceatoon the real social and societal part of the fediverse ;)
oceatoon that's what I'm looking for , even if IRC is great :D
dansup oceatoon: I think you are looking for feneas, have you heard of that organization? This is more for technical aspects of ActivityPub
dansup https://feneas.org/
oceatoon I discovered it here
oceatoon interesting , I'll take a look
oceatoon great stuff , I don't see geolocalisation and many other societal features
oceatoon is there any one from feneas here ?
oceatoon I'm loogued in to friendica, is there an overview of the feneas community ?
oceatoon and projects ?
oceatoon I think it's really important to give and get such visibility
oceatoon it gives a sense of understanding and creates the will to join
oceatoon maybe it's just a point of view, what do you think ?
dansup I understand what you want, but again I don't think this is the right channel or organization for that. You want https://riot.im/app/#/room/#feneas:feneas.org
xmpp-social joined the channel
dansup Many of the people here are developers or stakeholders of the ActivityPub spec and only discuss that
oceatoon is htis it https://friendica.feneas.org/directory
oceatoon ok , that could also be a great thing we can model , who is dev, stakeholder etc
oceatoon the real interest is to get test going between our plateforms mastodon, pixelfed, pleroma, peertube
dansup you can test it with https://activitypub.rocks/
dansup cwebber2: the test suite is down :(
oceatoon I guess our first objective is to reference all these devs, using their AP actor endpoint from any of these plateforms and have them visible from communecter and have access to all features
oceatoon that'll be a first objective then
oceatoon, KjetilK and dmitriz joined the channel
dmitriz, TUSF and Guest84 joined the channel
booteille[m] HI!
booteille[m] I wanted to know if that would be possible, in the future, to allow instances to inform federation they have changed thei domain name?
phoe joined the channel
jdormit[m] That would be tricky
jdormit[m] Since object ids are currently uris
jdormit[m] (in existing implementations)
jdormit[m] Some of the work cwebber is doing involves exploring object ids that are independent of the server they live on, e.g. magnet urls in his case
jdormit[m] But current implementations don't support that - sending an Update to update the ID doesn't really make sense...
jdormit[m] See https://gitlab.com/spritely/golem/blob/master/README.org for cwebber's magnet uri implementation
rialtate[m] > <@jdormit:cybre.space> But current implementations don't support that - sending an Update to update the ID doesn't really make sense...
rialtate[m] I thought maybe updating and adding a link rel but none seem to fit just right. Canonical and latest-version are close but don't carry the implication "but don't get it from here anymore cause it'll be gone". Kind of surprised no such thing exists yet
Guest84_ joined the channel
jdormit[m] Yeah that would be a sensible approach. Add a link rel in the webfinger response you mean?
rialtate[m] No I meant like a Link https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-rel attached to the https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-url property
dmitriz joined the channel