#social 2019-02-22
2019-02-22 UTC
TUSF and fiatjaf joined the channel
rialtate[m] Really 2 rels might be useful depending on your policies, "will move to" and "has moved to". Both would work for Update and could carry the side effect of changing the id if we want it to
dmitriz, Guest84, xmpp-social, rZr and oceatoon joined the channel
fr33domlover Hmmmm I'm wondering something about webfinger
fr33domlover Currently in my project I'm not using it, but, what I wonder is, I have actors in multiple namespaces
fr33domlover Not sure how many, but, suppose some actors are people but others are other kind of object
fr33domlover How do I map the actor IDs to webfinger
fr33domlover (I don't think I strictly need to; just for fediverse interop perhaps)
fr33domlover I'm thinking maybe person-X@host for human actors, chatroom-X@host for actors that are chatrooms etc. i.e. need to somehow add some prefix/suffix to separate the namespaces
fr33domlover Perhaps the prefix can be a single character (need to check which chars are allowed in acct username, or URI in general :p)
Cult anything wrong with w3id.org ?
dlongley joined the channel
Rixon[m] Cult: Morally? Technically?
Rixon[m] > Other than hosting the software for the Permanent Identifier Community Group, the "World Wide Web Consortium" (W3C) is not involved in the support or management of this website in any way.
dmitriz joined the channel
cwebber2 Libre Lounge episode about federation is out https://librelounge.org/episodes/episode-11-what-is-federation-reviewpub.html

Cult Rixon[m]: the website was down earlier today
cjslep[m] Nice!
rialtate[m] fr33domlover: yep. Lowest common denominator (as always) is mastodon. They only allow a-z and underscore, nothing else, just 27 chars.
Rixon[m] Oh I see
ahihi, oceatoon and dmitriz joined the channel
fr33domlover rialtate[m], sounds somewhat restrictive. A bit like Mastodon was created under an assumption all instances will be Mastodon software. It seems, to my yet uneducated eyes, that webfinger is just for UI, to allow matching user@host with actor IDs. So it shouldn't even be required
fr33domlover I could do webfinger for user accounts and not do it for other kinds of actors, but, I wonder if that prevents federation
jdormit[m] It would prevent discovery but not federation I think
jdormit[m] Your servers would be capable of talking to other implementations but how would the other apps know where to find your actors?
nightpool[m] fr33domlover: what makes you think mastodon was created under that assumption???
nightpool[m] mastodon has always federated with a lot of other software, like gnu social and pleroma
dmitriz joined the channel
fr33domlover nightpool[m], Idk, I don't think that, I just wonder, no assumptions :)
nightpool[m] yeah, sorry, I realized afterwards that I misread your post
fr33domlover jdormit[m], it would prevent discovery the way Mastodon/Webfinger does it, but not prevent discovery in general. I wonder if we can do discovery in a general way that can handle any URI
fr33domlover Webfinger is meant for discovering accounts; but what if we want to do actor discovery and some actors aren't accounts etc.