#social 2019-03-04
2019-03-04 UTC
KjetilK joined the channel
nightpool[m] yes, that's cwebber2
nightpool[m] it goes down a lot, unfortunately :(
xmpp-social and vitalyster joined the channel
trwnh question re: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/
trwnh for Collection vs OrderedCollection
trwnh and specifically about the properties of each:
trwnh OrderedCollection says it inherits all properties of Collection, but there's an undocumented `orderedItems` property that isn't listed
trwnh also the wording implies that OrderedCollection can use `items` instead of `orderedItems`
trwnh then scrolling down to the documentation for `items`, it shows examples using both `items` and `orderedItems`
trwnh that's kind of confusing
trwnh like, my naive assumption would be that the way to tell whether `items` is ordered or not is to defer to the type, i.e. parse it and check if it's `Collection` or `OrderedCollection`
trwnh in which case, why does `orderedItems` even exist in the examples? it's unnecessary at best and unspecified at worst.
trwnh cc cwebber2 i guess
trwnh or anyone else that can clarify
rhiaro trwnh: if you're using JSON-LD, orderedItems is an alias of items. If you're using plain JSON you should use orderedItems; it's documented in https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/#collections but agree, confusing i fyou only look at vocab

trwnh rhiaro: so would it be valid or invalid to use `items` on `OrderedCollection` though? because what it looks like in as-core is that OrderedCollection is optional ("may") but items/orderedItems doesn't use a rec word... anyway i think as-core and as-vocab shouldn't conflict with each other because i'm sure i'm not the only person to ever have this confusion, both past or future
trwnh like again, it seems that *either* OrderedCollection should be a type and both types should use `items`, *or* OrderedCollection should not exist and Collection should support both `items` and `orderedItems`
trwnh although i suspect at this point in its proliferation, there may well be implementations supporting any of the 4 permutations in the wild
dmitriz joined the channel
cjslep[m] go-fed doesn't support 'items' on OrderedCollection... I guess I need to make it more compatible.
cjslep[m] Using the interpretation here: https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/437#issuecomment-402433848
jdormit[m] I'm pretty sure most implementations are using orderedItems for OrderedCollection and items for Collection. I would expect federation errors if you use items on an OrderedCollection
dmitriz, cwebber2 and cwebber joined the channel
fr33domlover I deployed 2 Vervis instances and starting to test/fix/tweak their federation ^_^
fr33domlover Right now it's basic HTTP sigs + Create Note, after that I'll add ForgeFed stuff
fr33domlover (Either way it's still just a demo)
ajordan_ and Chocobozzz joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
JasonRobinson[m] cool stuff fr33domlover (IRC) \o/
JasonRobinson[m] doing the same with socialhome currently, 2 dev instances up to finalize AP :P
vitalyster joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel