2019-03-05 UTC
# dansup JasonRobinson[m]: exciting!
# dansup jdormit: you around?
# dansup I wanted to ask you if you are using the php-twitter-text library for parsing/autolinking hashtags/mentions and urls
vitalyster and xmpp-social joined the channel
# fr33domlover JasonRobinson[m], cool!!
dmitriz and ahihi2 joined the channel
# jdormit[m] dansup (IRC): I am around now
# jdormit[m] Never heard of php-twitter-text
dmitriz joined the channel
# dansup jdormit[m]: yes
jolvera joined the channel
jolvera joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
# jdormit[m] jdormit: looks interesting - how easy is it to adapt to webfinger/fedi paradigms instead of twitter?