#social 2019-03-06
2019-03-06 UTC
dansup jdormit: Well that is one of the reasons i was asking lol
dansup Mentions like @username@instance.org will not work by default so it needs some changes
dansup I tried changing the regex to match mastodons but php and ruby handle it differently
Guest84, Guest84_, _jolvera, englishm, vitalyster, xmpp-social, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, jolvera and dmitriz joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
jdormit[m] Right, plus wouldn't it have to actually dereference the webfinger addresses to put the right link in?
jdormit[m] @username@instance.org doesn't actually tell you anything about how to link to that user at that instance
fr33domlover jdormit if it's done on client side then just display it as is; if user clicks you can dereference the webfinger (well, or do it ahead of time, but same idea)
fr33domlover cwebber2 (and anyone else who can give an advice ^_^) if I use ActivityPub for something unrelated to social/microblogging etc. should I still implement and support social features like Create Note, likes and replies on notes, private messages between users, etc. stuff that without ActivityPub I wouldn't do (e.g. on GitLab and similar etc
fr33domlover There are no private messages between users)
fr33domlover cwebber2 on receiving from other servers? Or storing and sending to other servers? Or both directions?
fr33domlover cwebber2 even core AS2/AP types?
cjslep[m] Yep. It's that way today with the big implementors.
JasonRobinson[m] fr33domlover (IRC): forgefed is an extension though - why does it need to concern itself with the core? :P
JasonRobinson[m] I could see gitlab and github at least adding more social networking stuff. they've both added custom "statuses" already. I can't imagine it will be far for private messaging to appear.
JasonRobinson[m] for example here is one feature request close to that: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/52731
JasonRobinson[m] (I realize it's more "admin to users" but it could as well be "users to users")
fr33domlover JasonRobinson, githu8 had PMs and removed the feature years ago :P
JasonRobinson[m] sure, but doesn'
JasonRobinson[m] doesn't mean someone who builds on forgefed wont want pm's ;)
fr33domlover Also yes ForgeFed has a vocabulary extension but still given a forge you may ask, do I support all the social stuff Mastodon Pleroma etc. support
fr33domlover Yeah sure I agree :)
JasonRobinson[m] yeah but my point is that isn't forgefed an extension? it shouln't limit usage of other parts of AP, other extensions or core (unless they conflict obviously)
fr33domlover Yes sure it doesn't limit
JasonRobinson[m] ok misunderstood then, cool :)
fr33domlover I just mean, if I write a forge and make it federate and I don't want to support PMs,
fr33domlover Or likes
fr33domlover Or follows
JasonRobinson[m] sure
fr33domlover Is that still in the spirit of fediverse interoperability etc.
fr33domlover And by the spec etc.
fr33domlover :)
JasonRobinson[m] there is no such thing :P it's unfair to think that every platform has the same features and UX. why build more than one platform if they all work the same? ;)
JasonRobinson[m] I see AS2/AP more as a toolset - I don't think it is said anywhere "if you use some of this toolset, you must use all of it"
JasonRobinson[m] that would be a serious constraint to implementors
fr33domlover I'm curious, if on Mastodon I send a direct message to a user on a server that rejects private messages, will the Mastodon UI tell me that
fr33domlover Or will it silently store my message and I won't know what really happened
fr33domlover Create involves 2 separate things: publishing and delivery
fr33domlover Sometimes you want just the latter, sometimes you want both
fr33domlover e.g. if an email fails to be delivered, your mail server will tell you
JasonRobinson[m] Reject message would be a nice thing for people to implement if they don't accept the content
JasonRobinson[m] Then sending platforms could tell the user
JasonRobinson[m] Btw, Pythonistas. I'm in testing phase of delivery and receive for my federation library. After that it's mostly implementing objects and such.
JasonRobinson[m] Q: are there any well working JSON-LD libraries or shall I just go the way I initially was going to, ie "it's all JSON"? :)
nightpool[m] fr33domlover: we don't currently implement reject messages, unfortunately :(
vitalyster and _jolvera joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel