#social 2019-03-19
2019-03-19 UTC
timbl, Guest84_, vitalyster, xmpp-social and Simounet joined the channel
Simounet Hello there, I'm trying to implement ActivityPub and I saw that https://test.activitypub.rocks/ looks broken. I'm not sure this is the right place to about this, so…
cjslep[m] Yep, cwebber is who you want to bug
Simounet cjslep[m]: Ok, thanks. :)
Simounet cwebber2 maybe. :p
cjslep[m] May I ask what implementation you're working on? My curiosity.
Simounet cjslep[m]: I'm just playing around at the moment, nothing serious.
Simounet There is more and more projects using it so I think it's a plus to understand it correctly.
fr33domlover Hey cjslep[m]! I was looking at the as2 namespace files, wondering how preferredUsername came to be (and why it's not the same as 'name'). I couldn't find info but I noticed that in W3C's AS2 repo, the jsonld context contains preferredUsername while their .owl file doesn't - and I recalled you're using OWL to generate code and you'd want to be sure the OWL is up to date etc. :)
decentral1se and decentral1se1 joined the channel
fr33domlover In my web app there are projects, and project has a canonical unique name (e.g. gnu-hello) and an arbitrary name text (e.g. GNU Hello). Which ActivityPub properties would I use for these?
fr33domlover There's preferredUsername and name, but the former doesn't really match
fr33domlover Because it's not a user's name, it's a project name
fr33domlover I couldn't find any other relevant property
fr33domlover looks at the spec
fr33domlover I'm going to abuse preferredUsername for now
fr33domlover Hmmm what if called this property "slug"
fr33domlover *if we
cjslep[m] fr33domlover I use my own OWL definition. :) Which is guess isn't a good sign :(
cjslep[m] I wasn't there when preferredUsername came to be but it is intended to be a non-unique display name representing a user. Whereas 'name' could be for any ol' Object, not necessarily a user
cjslep[m] I'd imagine the canonical name is longer than just 'gnu-hello' since that doesn't distinguish between different federated 'gnu-hello' instances so that sounds more like a 'id' to me
cjslep[m] Of course your UI could parse out the uninteresting bits and display a substring of the 'id' and then the projects 'name'.
cjslep[m] But under the hood the UI would still have a ref to the full 'id' to do client requests with
fr33domlover cjslep[m], my server could store an ID URI and display a stripped version, but how can other servers do that? They don't know which part of the URI is interesting. They could make a guess, say, take the last segment of the URI path, but there's no guarantee. Maybe I'll just use 'name', and put 'gnu-hello' as the name if the user doesn't set it manually etc.
fr33domlover But otherwise, we don't have a preferredUsername equivalent for things that aren't a user
fr33domlover I think I'll use "slug" for that, for now
cjslep[m] fr33domlover a federated 'id' shouldn't be parsed for interesting bits, only ones locally owned. Otherwise users won't be able to tell which resource is local and which is a federated spoof of a local resource.
cjslep[m] I fear you are on the path of the home server displaying its 'gnu-hello', a 'gnu-hello' owned by server B, a 'gnu-hello' owned by server C, ... Etc. Maybe you have another way to allow users to disambiguate though...
fr33domlover cjslep[m], hmmmm that makes it even worse then :P So "slug" / "username" shouldn't be guessed; if it's needed, it should be explicitly provided. Idk if I'll strictly need it, but it seems that there's no AP/AS2 propety for it (preferredUsername works but it's only for users)
cjslep[m] I'm suggesting exactly how Mastodon handles usernames
cjslep[m] Local IDs are specially parsed so others on mastodon.technology see me as only @cj
cjslep[m] Others outside of that server see me as @cj@mastodon.technology
cjslep[m] Yet everyone sees my preferredUsername of "CJ"
fr33domlover Yeah that's what I'm doing :) But imagine you see stuff where the actor is a project, not a user. It would be nice to still display that "CJ" part, except preferredUsername is a misleading property to use here because it's not a username, it's a projectname
fr33domlover cjslep[m],^
cjslep[m] 'name' and 'id' or webfinger sgtm
jdormit[m] fr33domlover: I think preferredUsername is what you are looking for here. Are projects actors?
fr33domlover jdormit, it doesn't matter if they're actors, I'm just saying that if I wanted for any reason to have a "slug" property, there's none in ActivityPub. There's preferredUsername but it only applies to users, not to other things that have a username-like property
fr33domlover I'll use "name" and if thats not enough, I'll use a custom "slug" property
timbl joined the channel
fr33domlover (name isn't enough if you need to pass both a slug and an arbitrary potentially multi-language long name with possible spaces and emoji etc. whatever)
cjslep[m] fr33domlover isn't 'name' a natural language property so you can just use 'nameMap'
decentral1se, dmitriz, Luke_, timbl and timbl_ joined the channel
fr33domlover cjslep yes there's name and nameMap but they mean the same thing, I'd use one of them for the 2nd role but there's no property for the "slug" thing :P
fr33domlover Anyway , I'll see if I need one :)
dmitriz and timbl joined the channel