#social 2019-03-20
2019-03-20 UTC
timbl, ahihi2, TUSF and vasilakisfil joined the channel
dansup Is it weird to make commercials for an open source project?
dansup This is an early WIP copy of a pixelfed commercial when federation is fully supported https://i.dansup.xyz/dc2c15d7a55b
xmpp-social joined the channel
fr33domlover dansup, not at all! We need to advertise at least as much as the proprietary projects ^_^
fr33domlover Except they prefer to advertise using manipulative techniques
fr33domlover I hope we can do it better
dansup fr33domlover: I agree, pixelfed is the underdog of the fediverse, a new project that needs to find its own way. I am pretty happy with it so far
fr33domlover dansup, I've heard about Anfora and Prismo much much less than about PixelFed, I think you're doing good work talking about it :) I'd definitely be using it if I needed a place to publish pictures etc.
fr33domlover dansup, I also notice around me that stuff like instragram is like no. 1 addiction phone app that people scroll through when they're bored, I hope pixelfed doesn't become that! Instead, hopefully gather meaningful content people go to with a specific purpose ^_^
fr33domlover I guess there's sort of an underdog problem in general in federated technologies, and free software web apps in general
fr33domlover They exist, they work, but, do you ever meet people around you who know them? I don't :-/
dansup nope
decentral1se and timbl joined the channel
fr33domlover On the client side, when reading a post with replies, should a client GET all the replies from their host servers?
fr33domlover (It's also possible to get them in 1 request from the server that hosts the conversation topic object, but there's no guarantee they're authentic unless you trust the server)
timbl, timbl__, timbl_ and dmitriz joined the channel
rialtate[m] > <@irc_fr33domlover:cybre.space> On the client side, when reading a post with replies, should a client GET all the replies from their host servers?
rialtate[m] I like the implementations that return a list of ids (uris) in the replies collection rather than full objects... Although the "downside" to that is an author's contributions disappear when their server does, which may be desirable, however control is not in the author's hands. :/
timbl, decentral1se and decentral1se1 joined the channel
fr33domlover rialtate[m], even if you get full objects, you can still at least verify/download the ones whose IDs are available
fr33domlover Like, servers are still alive etc.
dmitriz, pmbauer and Guest84 joined the channel
rialtate[m] fr33domlover: at the expense of wasted bandwidth but yeah
fr33domlover rialtate[m], would be even nicer perhaps if you could tell the server whether to send IDs or full objects
fr33domlover I guess if we switch to distributed storage or something, it won't be a problem
ajordan, aaronpk, tantek, Gargron, cm and nightpool joined the channel
rialtate[m] fr33domlover: yeah... Also https://www.w3.org/TR/odrl/ FTW
fiatjaf, decentral1se, dmitriz and timbl joined the channel
jdormit[m] How are folks handling blocks? If a blocked actor attempts to post to the inbox of the blocking actor, do you just drop the activity on the ground? Or do you accept it but filter it out of the blocking actor's timeline?
jdormit[m] I guess you need to just drop it on the ground
jdormit[m] Otherwise everyone else except the blocking actor would still be able to see the activity from the blocked actor
rialtate[m] jdormit: one could argue an Ignore would have the alternate behavior you described
rialtate[m] Seems like it could get tricky with sharedInbox
jdormit[m] Yeah I haven't tackled that at all yet
jdormit[m] But sharedInbox probably wouldn't be used to respond to activities by a specific actor
jdormit[m] Going to gym now, maybe insight will strike