#social 2019-03-30
2019-03-30 UTC
timbl joined the channel
jdormit[m] fr33domlover: that's the point! If the followers collection is private then only its owner should be able to post stuff to it
jdormit[m] That's what inbox forwarding is for - your server delivers your reply to the receiving inbox, then their server sees that the receiver's followers collection is in the reply chain and forwards the message to it
jdormit[m] So your server would put the private collection IRI in audience, cc, or to, and the receiving serverthat owns the collection would be responsible for actually delivering the activity to the individual recipients in the collection
fr33domlover jdormit[m], thank you for explaining :)
xmpp-social, naturzukunft, timbl and Guest84 joined the channel
tenma Hello everyone
tenma I have one question regarding AP: Does the C2S API behaves the same way as the S2S for processing requests?
tenma That is, I know that in the S2S API requests are stored in a queue and then processed, is this what is supposed to happen in the Social API or are the responses immediatly issued?
cjslep[m] Neither S2S nor C2S specify that requests must be processed in a queue server architecture.
jdormit[m] I am developing AP software for WordPress, no queuing for me ;)
dansup jdormit[m]: Have you tested pterotype against pixelfed?
nightpool[m] tenma (IRC): I'm assuming your question is about displaying successes/errors to the end user?
tenma cjslep[m], jdormit[m]: Hmm, my bad, thought it was mandatory. Thanks!
tenma nightpool[m]: No, I'm asking because of this recent issue I've opened @ AndStatus: https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/504
tenma And a possible change of API's
tenma I asked there (AndStatus) so I could have understand the point-of-view from the "third-party comunity", but I'm really interested in knowing your opinions too, if you have the time :)
tenma *so I could understand
nightpool[m] litepub isn't a spec, really
nightpool[m] and even in the very preliminary discussion I've heard for it, it only governs s2s interactions, so I'm not sure what it would mean to adapt "litepub" for a c2s api
jdormit[m] dansup: not yet. Still working on the v2 rewrite, but getting really close now. I took a brief break to try to tackle Pleroma federation because my only patreon backer asked for it haha
jdormit[m] And I couldn't get it working 😅
jdormit[m] dansup: we should collaborate once I'm happy with v2 though, it would be awesome to get image federation between pixelfed and wordpress
dansup jdormit[m]: yeah sounds good!
up201705417 To follow up on what tenma started, nightpool, on the adoption of AP for C2S, I think it would be preferable _not_ to use a queue server queue?
nightpool[m] ap c2s specifies that you need to return 201 created with a Location header pointing to the new post
up201705417 Okay, that's good to know, I really should read the C2S specification, haven't took the time for that just yet :/
up201705417 btw, I believe dansup once said, (might be making some confusion tho), that AP was a bit "heavy" for a mobile app API use case
up201705417 that being true maybe GS should keep its twitter like API? I believe some other federated pieces of software like mastodon haven't adopted AP for C2S, e.g.
dansup C2S is yeah
nightpool[m] i think it kind of depends on how you're thinking about it
nightpool[m] if you're trying to implement a mastodon app on top of the c2s api, it would be a nightmare (which is why mastodon doesn't use it)
nightpool[m] but if you're trying to implement something closer to the AP semantics, I don't think the c2s api is terrible
up201705417 hm... okay, so for Clients (like mobile apps), we may keep our twitter like API while for fediverse Bots (AP actor = Application) we may implement a C2S AP API
up201705417 and I guess this kinda is what yvolk was trying to suggest too, probably the best way for us to tenma
up201705417 we wanted some confirmation from people with deeper insights on the subject :)
up201705417 thanks ^^