#social 2019-03-31
2019-03-31 UTC
tenma seems ok to me up201705417, but at the same time I don't see any benefit on implementing the C2S AP API, why don't we use the current API for bots too?
tenma I mean, I don't know if we can use the queue system in the C2S API (that would be an advantage for bots), but from what nightpool[m] said about the specification to "return 201 created with ..." I think its a no (?)
Guest84_ joined the channel
rialtate[m] It just has to create an id (url) the object can be fetched from, the delivery can still be asynchronous.
nightpool[m] right having synchronous delivery is a really really bad idea
fr33domlover nightpool[m], hmm why does C2S not work well for Mastodon?
dansup C2S is nice in the academic sense, but in the real world it can't compete with S2S
dansup that is why there are no popular C2S implementations
rialtate[m] C2S has lots of potential to fluidly alter the appoearance of objects depending on context. The reason why no implementations do it is because ld-json is a nightmare and js templating is a bad dream.
xmpp-social joined the channel
dansup rialtate[m]: Yeah but who wants that? Each project has its own UI, user experience and features. There is a lot of things a client can't do, like live broadcast video in a scalable manor
dansup C2S vs S2S in emerging markets where data plans are expensive is another factor
trwnh joined the channel
fr33domlover dansup, hmm why should C2S compete with S2S though? I mean, a project can use both. I suppose generally clients of HTTP/JSON servers do HTTP GET and POST of JSON data, and this basic thing works in AP C2S, I wonder what's missing (I guess stuff like streaming maybe, but, you could still use C2S for what you can?)
fr33domlover I'm going to try using C2S for Vervis and see what is missing there
dansup I guess I don't understand the need for C2S when oauth is the industry standard
trwnh c2s is cool when the server is for document storage and delivery
trwnh federated email when :thinkhappy:
dansup lol
fr33domlover dansup, I suppose C2S allows 1 client to be used with many servers (although I suppose 1 client can't provide a good UI for just any kind of server), and also the client and server both speak the same language, activity streams, maybe it makes things easier to code? idk
dansup dealing with json-LD does not make anything easier
dansup don't waste your time ;)
fr33domlover dansup, I agree. So far on the server I don't deal with JSON-LD at all though, and I wonder if the same can apply to the client
fr33domlover (because the JSON-LD is compacted and can be treated as plain JSON)
fr33domlover I need a JSON API either way
fr33domlover I guess if JSON-LD or AP get in the way, then things get annoying
fr33domlover But so far, I use full URIs for any custom properties, so I don't need to add anything to the @context
dansup I think GraphQL and MessagePack will be ideal for pixelfed
naturzukunft joined the channel
jdormit[m] There's definitely a world where c2s can live alongside whatever project-specific api you've come up with. Implementing c2s is trivial if you already have s2s anyways, and that enables any AP client (once such a thing exists) to connect to your server, which is good for user freedom.
jdormit[m] For Pterotype I'm implementing c2s + oauth, and then I'll layer on a graphql api (which is a killer fit for AP) after the fact
timbl joined the channel
nightpool[m] dansup: I have zero idea what you mean by saying that c2s is mutually exclusive to oauth
nightpool[m] all of the existing c2s implementations I'm aware of use oauth
naturzukunft joined the channel
fr33domlover Isn't oauth a mechanism to authorize clients? While C2S would define the API for actual app data transmission between the client and server?
nightpool[m] yes
fr33domlover jdormit, iirc AndStatus has C2S support
fr33domlover But I haven't checked
fr33domlover The app itself
jdormit[m] fr33domlover: that's cool, I hadn't heard if andstatus
jdormit[m] s/if/of
naturzukunft Hm, playing with https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/06/how-to-implement-a-basic-activitypub-server
naturzukunft and as you heard using java ;-o but getting an 401 UNAUTHORIZED from mastadon and i've no idea.
naturzukunft is there somebody that would like to take a look on the request?
nightpool[m] Sure
naturzukunft how did you communicate thins like that? here in IRC ?
nightpool[m] The signature is the thing you're having a problem with, right?
nightpool[m] Have you tried resolving your actor from an existing activitypub server?
naturzukunft i think yes ;-)
naturzukunft i didn't understand
nightpool[m] So, you followed all the steps in the guide up to delivering your first activity right?
nightpool[m] Have you tried testing your actor, as mentioned in this paragraph?
nightpool[m] >After this is uploaded to your webhost and available under your domain with a valid SSL certificate, you could already look up your actor from another Mastodon by entering alice@my-example.com into the search bar. Although it’ll look quite barren.
naturzukunft ups, one moment
naturzukunft great hint !!! -> 503Remote SSL certificate could not be verified
naturzukunft it's a self signed ;-(
nightpool[m] letsencrypt is good and easy!
naturzukunft cool, i will take a look at it. thanks!
timbl, naturzukunft, pothyurf[m], ist5shreawf[m], ahihi, hylshols7qui[m], ad5twoknebor[m], olmvnec[m], ookfof[m], buggeas40d[m], yegjog[m], yur3shmukcik[m] and nartir[m] joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel