#fr33domloverrialtate, I'm using Notes with top-level ones having inReplyTo the discussion topic, people here suggested that (as opposed to no inReplyTo)
#fr33domloverrialtate but maybe for reputation you could use tag or something for that?
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#trwnhfr33domlover: have you considered 'context'? it's vague but i think it's intended for exactly that
#fr33domlovertrwnh, oh yes that's exactly what I'm using: Every Note has a context. Except Notes that reply to other Notes have inReplyTo the Note they reply to, while top-level Notes have inReplyTo with the same value as the context. I considered simply not setting inReplyTo for top-level Notes, but people suggested that I do. I don't recall the details but my IRC client logs can find them, I'll check ^_^
#fr33domloverI guess it's for addressing: inReplyTo recursive traversal would only catch all commenters if the top-level notes point to the context
#fr33domloverdansup, hmm strange. Am I just confused? It looks like it accidentally says "commentsEnabled":"sc:Boolean" as if denoting the type, instead of doing what it should do in the context: *map* commentsEnabled to a URI e.g. "commentsEnabled":"sc:commentsEnabled" or "commentsEnabled":"peertube:commentsEnabled" or whatever
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#fr33domloverand the @type of commentsEnabled can be sc:Boolean or xsd:Boolean etc.
#dansupfr33domlover: Like I said, I just copied the same context as PeerTube uses. Maybe Chocobozzz can answer that
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