2019-05-26 UTC
# fr33domlover It would still take some interop
# fr33domlover But I'm ok with either, if it works better with the fediverse
# fr33domlover Thanks nightpool[m] for the feedback :)
timbl_, timbl, xmpp-social and rZr joined the channel
# fr33domlover Yayyyy I'm excited!
# fr33domlover ForgeFed ticket comment federation demo works
# fr33domlover After so much time and work, finally I can see some reasonable result lol
Rixon[m] joined the channel
# fr33domlover My first ForgeFed demo
# fr33domlover I suppose you people here will mostly wonder about the federation details; I'll write about them soon :)
cwebber2 joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel