#social 2019-05-25
2019-05-25 UTC
xmpp-social, rZr and EricDrechsel[m] joined the channel
fr33domlover o/
fr33domlover I have collections of followers, where sometimes actors are automatically added without sending a Follow
fr33domlover It's like, the general sense of subscribing, not necessarily the bird site / Mastodon kind of follow
fr33domlover Q: Should I always use Follow for subscribing to some actor's outbox? A: So far I think yes
fr33domlover Q2: How should I cancel a follow that happened automatically without a Follow activity? Undo Follow or Remove?
fr33domlover In the former case, the undone Follow doesn't have an ID, it's not a real activity that happened
fr33domlover Would that be ok? Or should I use Remove?
fr33domlover Feedback needed ^_^
nightpool[m] can you explain a little bit more what you mean by automatically?
nightpool[m] i think undo follow is probably the best bet for interop but in a clean-room system I would lean towards remove
fr33domlover nightpool[m], I mean like you interact with some object and automatically get added to its followers. I'm still not 100% sure I even want it to happen automatically (because it can be done client-side, simplifying the server), but just asking in case I do implement it like that
nightpool[m] yeah, client-side probably makes more sense
nightpool[m] but given a server-side solution, i think what I said above holds
fr33domlover nightpool[m], it's on the fediverse, not clean room :)
nightpool[m] right :P