dansupcjslep[m]: Yeah, I understand. What about if we each recorded short 2-5 minute previews of potential talks to test the water. go-fed and pixelfed are two very different projects that will provide a good starting point for the biggest challenge: acquiring content for the conference.
fr33domloverdansup, who's the audience and what's the conference format, and is it virtual or physical-presence? One thought I have is that if we talk about stuff we already know, it's boring. For example stuff like AP basics is something we all AP implementors already dug into and would likely be bored to listen to again etc.
fr33domloverdansup, I'm thinking if it's a small community of people with AP related projects, maybe unconference / focus on hacking together would be a better fit
cjslep[m]fr33domlover I am personally more keen on focusing on the bootstrapping basics. While it's boring to you, I, and others here, there's far more devs who're building up their knowledge via the same frustrating process we all went through. And I want to reduce that frustration. And get more of us able to then innovate like you're doing
fr33domlovercjslep[m], oh I agree! What's why I said it depends on audience! If it's a conference where the audience is bigger than just us here, then yeah, we really should somehow reduce that frustration and mystery around implmenting AP-in-practice
vitalyster and Guest84 joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
jaywink[m]dansup (IRC): not sure which socialhub thread you have been reading concerning the hosting but it doesn't look like things have changed, just checked, we're still evil corporates trying to take over the fediverse ;)
Guest84, rZr and vitalyster joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel