#social 2019-10-05
2019-10-05 UTC
lain_soykaf Maybe the g-man can visit
dansup who runs socialhub.activitypub.rocks?
dansup yabir joined, there is hope for anfora :D
dansup I was going to ask for a pixelfed category but we have one on socialhub.network and talk.feneas.org already
lanodan, lanodan_ and xmpp-social joined the channel
jesopo am i meant to cache an Actor's outbox
jesopo so that i dont have to look up every Actor when publishing a Note
jesopo soz, dumb questions
jesopo it's not really safe to cache the Actor for every context though i guess. display name, avatar, etc
BitBot and rigelk joined the channel
fr33domlover o/
fr33domlover What should a server do with inbox activities that aren't used? Store them in the inbox despite that, or just remember them but not put in inbox? For example suppose an actor receives an Undo activity whose object can't be found or isn't an activity, and nothing really gets undone, should this Undo activity still go to the inbox?
fr33domlover (If yes, perhaps it's a good idea to record the fact that the activity wasn't used?)
csarven The processing details of Undo is unspecified. I'd say that if the server can determine whether the object of the Activity eg. exists (200), not found (404) or gone forever (410), it can probably follow an action from there. if 404/410, probably okay to delete the resource with the Undo Activity

fr33domlover csarven, what if it's something else, say, an Accept about some not-understood object or an object owned by some other actor. I mean, displaying it in the inbox would be weird, because it's not related to anything the user did or is aware of
fr33domlover But otoh, is it by-the-spec to just not place the activity in the inbox?
fr33domlover Spec says, all received activities go to inbox. OTOH, can the user Remove stuff from their inbox, just like in email?
fr33domlover Thanks csarven
fr33domlover Yeah, I guess the inbox is basically private
csarven fr33domlover: Not exactly the requirement for what you are looking for but you can see how this can be used as a way to filter: https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/#test-receiver-get-notifications-limited

BitBot, Guest84 and anna[m] joined the channel