#social 2019-10-11
2019-10-11 UTC
Guest84, sl007, doublequartz, ajordan and xmpp-social joined the channel
lain_soykaf cwebber2: did you get a chance to look at the semantic hint type stuff?
trwnh cc jaywink[m] and fr33domlover: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/unresolved-issues-surrounding-follow-activities/114
trwnh also looking for feedback re: above (Follow Object, Follow subset of actor outbox instead of whole actor outbox)
vitalyster and sl007 joined the channel
nightpool[m] I'm not sure I exactly understand the difference between adding a second type and just adding a property with the same semantics?
nightpool[m] is there a good reason to choose one over the other?
lain_soykaf essentially, it's about using compound types (["Application", "Invisible"]) to give hints on how to treat an actor. In this case, to not show Announces of this actor in the RT list
nightpool[m] yes
nightpool[m] I understand the proposal
lain_soykaf nightpool[m]: i'm wondering the same, I'd lean towards a different solution as well, but nobody else seems to worry and my own worries are a bit diffuse :)
lain_soykaf nightpool[m]: the previous one wasn't a reply to you :)
nightpool[m] I mean I'm not worried, per se, but I start every architecture conversation from a position of "is there any reason to do this instead of the simpler, more obvious thing"
nightpool[m] and in this case there doesn't seem to be?
lain_soykaf also kaniini is in this channel by now
lain_soykaf i'm not *worried* worried either, it just seems a bit weird to me so i'd like to get some opinions. There's buy in from pleroma and mastodon for the idea so i'm sure it would be fine to just go along with it.
jaywink[m] Kind of feeling a property would be the simpler solution 🤔

jaywink[m] * Kind of feeling a property would be the simpler solution as well 🤔

BitBot, sl007 and cwebber2 joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
kaniini nightpool[m]: i think this is the better way to do it, because if you think about it, this is really a form of type enrichment
kaniini jaywink[m]: the goal is to avoid adding dozens of properties to convey specific behavioural semantics
kaniini by compounding them into the type, we can simply add these hints
nightpool[m] the type enrichment thing is kind of compelling and I can kind of see it if I squint, but I'm not sure there's a meaningful difference between "adding dozens of properties" and "adding dozens of types"
melody the distinction between a property and a type is also generally speaking a tossup -- whether invisibility is a property of a thing or whether invisible things are types of things is a modeling problem, i think treating invisibleness as a property is probably more consistent with the other qualities of the way objects have been schematized so far but it's always possible to change that
kaniini it does not really matter to me which way we go, but i would point out that this seems to be the JSON-LD way to do it
kaniini however i would like to conclude this one today
kaniini because it is blocking an MR in Pleroma
kaniini can somebody with admin access to socialhub please add 'rinpatch' to the Pleroma team? nightpool[m]?
kaniini i would ping hellekin but they seem to be missing at the moment
melody i think you could achieve the outcome you want either way in json-ld you would need to include something defining the property in the context, that could be a type or an extension - a litepub terms namespace could serve the same purpose as a set of litepub type definitions at that point - i am not particularly opinionated about how this gets resolved either really
melody my only concern with compound types is that it may not be clear how types should be combined
melody invisibility is an easy case maybe but if two types in the compound type end up defining similar properties, you suddenly need to start deciding which ones to show and not show and how to operationalize them, which one should take priority, how to apply mutually incompatible side-effects
kaniini maybe instead of compounding the type, we have a hints set?
kaniini and yes if you look at the changes in Pleroma they are kind of ugly to support compounding
melody maybe? i haven't thought super duper deeply about the set of hints somebody may want to apply - could a hints set of some kind be used to help resolve ambiguity so that we're no longer dealing with like, post visibility being implied by which part of the addressing collections are in?
kaniini that is likely why lain_soykaf isn't happy about the approach :)
kaniini yes that's what hints are for in a way
kaniini but they should not be construed as a security thing
kaniini followers-only (and also circles) require a form of security delegation to do correctly
kaniini I would prefer OCAP for this but it has been demonstrated using relaying and LDS
melody i mean, so does 1-to-1 private messaging, really -- as long as instances have more than one actor, you are relying on a third party not to act maliciously
kaniini a good analogy for hints instead of post visibility is
kaniini probably something like group messaging
kaniini in a group, the group actor does an announce to forward the message to other members
kaniini but it's not a boost
kaniini so really these are meant to be hints for how the message should be displayed
kaniini fixing followers only posts could be done this way but it would not be a robust approach
kaniini I do have thoughts on that and need to blog about them :)
kaniini multibox, using audience and detached capability delegation proofs (so the parent instance can redistribute to the original circle) are the way that followers only posts get fixed
melody right - it was more that currently post scoping is done via a set of undefined rules that aren't actually part of the spec , display hints could help instances handle those comparatively correctly without needing to understand those undefined rules
melody it's not robust but neither is what's going on now
kaniini it is helpful as an informative hint I agree
kaniini I just worry that some may see it as enough and not pursue fixing the actual problems
kaniini an ongoing problem with getting fediverse projects to do work is that they tend to be a conservative bunch on risk exposure
kaniini which if you think about it, makes sense. if the software breaks, we get users who are not happy about it
kaniini and if you've seen how that tends to go, it's not pretty
kaniini and with the gabs and kiwifarms of the world amongst us, I think now is not a great time to be lax on security
kaniini so I would be in favor of a visibility hint, on the precondition that vendors agree to tackle the actual security problem as well
melody Yeah, my approach has been to essentially silo myself off and try to do the right thing, independent of what anyone else is doing, because I've determined that I'm more or less okay if my platform only has interop with other instances of itself, I've got enough weirdness planned I can't expect anyone else to go along for the ride
melody which has led me to be a little less concerned with some of the existing implementation details
kaniini an example of what I mean is, Mastodon in the OStatus days used a visibility hint, but did not add a new salmon endpoint
kaniini so GNU Social just ignored it
kaniini (some argue that was intentional maliciousness but the reality is that GNU Social just hasn't been properly maintained in years)
melody i started planning this in the ostatus days but ostatus sucked and i ultimately let it go, the protocol would have been unrecognizable when i was done with it - that may still be true with activitypub but it's flexible enough that i may still technically be implementing it ^_^;;
kaniini a conformant AP server can ignore the visibility hint, but cannot ignore the calculated audience
melody yeah, i'm aware - the scoping implications are a consequence of sharedInbox though, right? the recipient server needs to know the implied visibility based on audiences in order to choose how to display what was sent to the people it's delivering to, iirc?
melody it'd be easier if that was just defined somewhere else and all it needed to know was who to deliver it to and then separately whether it should put it on public timelines or whatever
kaniini no, but the problem is the use of collections in S2S to begin with.
kaniini have to run for a bit :)
sl007 and rektide joined the channel