#social 2019-10-10
2019-10-10 UTC
wakest and lanodan joined the channel
dansup yes, it's been down for a while
dansup one day I will wake up early enough to attend one of these meetings
xmpp-social, sl007 and doublequartz joined the channel
doublequartz hey guys! I'm implementing ActivityPub. however I have a question... what I should do if I want to edit a message while keeping the old one intact in history?
jaywink[m] doublequartz (IRC): I think you would just send an `Update

{ Note }
` for example, if talking about federation layer. How you keep multiple revisions in your own platform is really more of an implementation detail not really related to AP#
jaywink[m] unless you meant how to represent revisions over federation?

doublequartz I'm using AP for client to server protocol
doublequartz I would have to extend the protocol in some way and when I tried it didn't make sense
jaywink[m] ah right. probably an OrderedCollection on the Note for the revisions, for example? but yeah AP C2S probably doesn't have anything for you here

RRSAgent left the channel
doublequartz and BitBot joined the channel; doublequartz left the channel
fr33domlover doublequartz, you have the previous versions in the Create and Update activities you previously sent, found in your outbox
doublequartz yes but that does not inform that the old content should be accessible
fr33domlover doublequartz, do you need the previous versions to be visible alongside the Note object? If yes, you could do what jaywink[m] suggested, add a property mapping to an OrderedCollection of the previous versions
fr33domlover Hmmm considering Matrix has this feature too, perhaps we could make a standard way to do it in AP
doublequartz while I could live with it for now it doesn't sound like it's the right way to do it
jaywink[m] all events in matrix sit on a timeline

doublequartz for any sizable content it's o(n^2)
fr33domlover doublequartz, what do you mean n^2 ? what better way do you suggest? I suppose you could have some trick like publishing just the diffs, or have each version as a separate object with a separate URL, so that they aren't all served at once etc.
fr33domlover doublequartz, or store the note history in a git repo ^_^
jesopo omg no
doublequartz how about making a history wrapper with a prev property, creating a linked list?
fr33domlover doublequartz, that would be fine (but also means if you want to display/list all history, you need O(n) requests, while with an OrderedCollection you can list the versions in 1 place)
jaywink[m] probably all this depends also on the type of platform, ie is editing likely to happen a lot or not so

jaywink[m] social media posts are probably not edited so frequently but a wiki would have long history

doublequartz I'm trying to make a sort of hybrid..
doublequartz looking forward to make it possible within an open standard
doublequartz joined the channel
fr33domlover \o cwebber2
jesopo o/
fr33domlover cwebber2, doing well. Having a so-called free day (i.e. no shifts at the job today) and spending some hours coding. Watched the Mark Miller apconf talk today and enjoyed it :) how are you cwebber2?
fr33domlover cwebber2, good to hear you're getting to do the more interesting things then ^_^
fr33domlover I'm worried a bit that if I worked on my project more, say full-time, I'd be much more lonely
fr33domlover Because my j0b is with people and it's a big part of my weekly being-around-people-I-know
jesopo do hobby work at code while your boss isn't working. labour reclamation!
jesopo boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, that's why i write open source ActivityPub software on company time
fr33domlover jesopo, I used to have a tech job in which I had freedom to spend time doing my own stuff when nobody was looking etc. :p but now it's possible for me only during night shifts (which I try to avoid, and I'm usually too tired anyway). I just want to replace the j0b with time spent on my project :p even if I don't get paid for it etc.
fr33domlover I guess many people are in a situation where they have a tech job and want to somehow find time for FOSS work
fr33domlover (I would guess there are some/many some people in this channel ^_^)
fr33domlover cwebber2, if not too personal (it's ok if it is), may I ask how you deal with that, if loneliness comes to you sometimes? Do you do some intentional social stuff etc. to combat loneliness? I do know nice people on IRC etc. but just as-is, they can't replace the in-person aspects of my job
fr33domlover (although tbh I already feel lonely often, so maybe not much would change)
fr33domlover cwebber2, yes, thank you for sharing. My situation is quite different, but I could do the meet-friends thing more, and do more activities in a group
fr33domlover cwebber2, I don't think I ever had many friends anywhere, but I have a few. And been in the same area for a long time. Often it's not the amount of people for me, it's the quality of the connection that's challenging to achieve ^_^ I did start going to yoga studio and I'll try some writing groups etc. maybe I can make friends there
cjslep[m] Go-fed is a direct product of loneliness (moved to a different country, don't speak the language)
fr33domlover cjslep[m] aw that sounds difficult
fr33domlover I intend to be traveling at some point soon and then I'll constantly be a stranger :p
fr33domlover cwebber2, yoga class mostly failed at the friend-making part, maybe also because I'm such an introvert and I don't make friends easily :p but even seeing people is nice
fr33domlover cwebber2, like a pipeline of commands, each waiting for the previous one's input and then does its part and sends the output to the next command?
fr33domlover a/input/output
fr33domlover Hmmm that reminds me of the streaming libraries in Haskell ^_^
fr33domlover cwebber2, I think E deserves to be a bit more famous :p
fr33domlover wants to read more about E, and also about Distributed Haskell, but no time for this yet
fr33domlover Does anyone here follow repos on forges like githu8, gitlab, etc.?
fr33domlover If yes, how do you feel about the idea of following some repos via the Fediverse e.g. Mastodon?
fr33domlover In the past people asked for this and now it's implemented and possible (on my side; would need to add some lines of code to the fediverse servers of course)
fr33domlover And I'm wondering
fr33domlover How useful really is it
fr33domlover I gtg, here's a question on which I'm looking for hel/p/advice/opinions https://talk.feneas.org/t/who-generates-the-push-activity/165
fr33domlover About repo push AP activities
fr33domlover ^_^
feld joined the channel
feld is there an ical or something i can subscribe to for the scheduled meetings?
kaniini (also i am going to talk with the other members of the litepub cabal about doing public office hours calls on a bi-weekly basis opposite to the SocialCG, so that we can, amongst other things, talk about what SocialCG is doing and provide feedback)
kaniini seems like a job for jesopo
jesopo did someone say bot
jesopo I'm sure i can tackle that
jesopo i gotta get my act together and finish federating :p
dansup mood
feld, natalie[m] and hankg[m] joined the channel
dansup socialhub.network has been sunset, thanks for all the fish