#social 2021-01-17
2021-01-17 UTC
dmitriz, sl007 and h_ll_k_n joined the channel
jarofgreen rhiaro: Did you say there was going to be a Nextcloud calendar?
tcit[m] joined the channel
jarofgreen tcit[m]: Thanks
dmitriz joined the channel
jarofgreen rhiaro: sorry for Q on https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/socialcg-meetings-calendar/1308 - happy to chat if you want :-)
jarofgreen rhiaro: From google to nextcloud to others ….. hmmmmm. Would you be up for me suggesting something else?
jarofgreen rhiaro: which extension? I looked at one before that wasn’’t generating ical ids properly, that might be fixed by now tho
jarofgreen rhiaro: tho …. given that Actiivtypub Events dont have recourrenig options (you can look forward to my post on that soon :-P ) something that didn’t use the recurring event options would be good
jarofgreen rhiaro: and I could host something on my event software if you want?
jarofgreen rhiaro: and give several people access to edit, but i would set up something to automically create events
jarofgreen rhiaro: on another forum - the cotech one
rhiaro (see also: rdf translation if ical - https://www.w3.org/TR/2005/NOTE-rdfcal-20050929/)

jarofgreen lh
GregoryKlyushnikov Events in AP are a weird thing because they aren't actors. They're just... Events. And that's it. No one knows how you're supposed to be using them.
jarofgreen rhiaro: I think needs extension with reoccuring - and using RRULE form ical seems sensible. Also what timezone they are meant to be in
GregoryKlyushnikov Yes and that's the problem
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: there are 2 use cases for events in AP that I see - someone organising an event and someone listing an event others have organised
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: both have some interesting things
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: one of the event software I’ve seen does basically put the event as the actor btw.
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: are you working on event software
jarofgreen rhiaro: yeah, to be honest I’d priritise a good ical feed over activitypub at the moment. - tho my app does both :-)
GregoryKlyushnikov Yes I understand, but event not being an actor, like a group, doesn't make much sense 🤔
jarofgreen rhiaro: I just saw the google id and was like “is this a good ical”?
GregoryKlyushnikov I'm the same Gregory who makes Smithereen, I just have 2 IRC accounts. This one is from matrix, just so I don't miss anything important and so I could chat from my phone
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: I’m working on event software for discovery and listing (not arganising, so no RSVP at all) and i think the event not being the actor makes sense in my case
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: Ah cool. I only heard of that in the meeting this week.
GregoryKlyushnikov On Facebook-style social networks you're supposed to be able to join events much the same way you join groups
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: that creates problems for event organisers sometimes
GregoryKlyushnikov In fact, VKontakte internally represents events as groups with a couple additional fields
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: if someone else organises the event and I’m just listing it, I need to make sure that anyone who wants to attend gets tickets from the ORGINAL ORGANISER NOT ME. Facebook events , etc, is realy bad for encouraging people to just say yes on FB and not get proper tickets
GregoryKlyushnikov Since I'm mimicking that, it makes sense for me to have events as an extension of groups
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: that’s fine if the person posting the event is the organiser, but I’m working on listing
GregoryKlyushnikov On the other hand, facebook events are amazing for birthday parties and such
GregoryKlyushnikov I got you anyway
GregoryKlyushnikov Didn't think about that use case
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: also, a lot of times I’ve seen organisers have places to put their events they then start listing other peoples events too and this problem comes up
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: oh yeah, FB events for a personal party all the way (if all friends on FB). I’m more thinking about listing public events
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: VKontakte sounds like it’s more geared towards events as in the personal birthday party type thing?
GregoryKlyushnikov People did create unofficial VK events for concerts (remember those?) but usually did put "unofficial event" somewhere in its profile. Still, suboptimal, but better than nothing.
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: Yes, that happens on FB and meetup.com a lot too. Normally with some text saying “you must get tickets elsewehere!”. it’s not the best
GregoryKlyushnikov VKontakte is basically a Russian Facebook clone, that's a bit nicer than the original. Facebook has never had any popularity over here.
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: heard of it but not used it :-)
GregoryKlyushnikov I actually worked there for 5 years, AMA lol
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: nice
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: I have never worked at FB (or a FANG??)
GregoryKlyushnikov I got there before it became a corporation
GregoryKlyushnikov It was 2011 and it was still ruled by Pavel Durov
GregoryKlyushnikov The team was like idk 10-15 people
GregoryKlyushnikov Then capitalism did its thing and dormant shareholders woke up and started demanding to make the charts go up
GregoryKlyushnikov In the end they basically ousted him and sold the whole thing to mail.ru group, which is a giant behemoth of a company
GregoryKlyushnikov By 2016 I've had enough of this "we tell you what to do, you write code" stuff so I quit
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: hah, i was part of a team tryng that once but they didn’t manage it and went into liquadation soon afterwards, then there was a commutity buyout and it’s still a community company now
GregoryKlyushnikov I wanted to respect my users, but they won't let me
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: now i actually work with rhiaro
GregoryKlyushnikov Now VK is this money earning machine and there are ads and analytics everywhere
GregoryKlyushnikov Everything is being done to make the charts go up.
GregoryKlyushnikov Because of this, there's now no place to hang out with friends and like-minded people online
GregoryKlyushnikov And that's why I'm making Smithereen. I want that cozy place back.
GregoryKlyushnikov So anyway, events. I haven't understood why is there a TentativeAccept but no TentativeJoin
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: good luck with your mission!
GregoryKlyushnikov Thanks :)
jarofgreen GregoryKlyushnikov: I haven’t looked at any RSVP stuff at all yet - as said, for listing it’s complicated
jarofgreen rhiaro: I think i might set something up for me if nothing else, and i’ll post it for others if that’s not checky
jarofgreen rhiaro: does it need to be nextcloud? could we just use the forum? tho actually, maybe I’ll set up what I’m doing then see if i can encouarge people to use that
jarofgreen :-P
@dustyweb ↩️ Consider if you have something like Tahoe's "mutable files", but then *use that* as an ActivityPub address: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#Overview
So, if I'm on a server, and that server goes down, I can push out an update to my user's profile to the network pointing at my new "inbox" (twitter.com/_/status/1350936951373889540)
jarofgreen rhiaro: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/socialcg-meetings-calendar/1308 can you just confirm it is meant to be UTC all year round?
dmitriz joined the channel