#social 2021-01-18
2021-01-18 UTC
# jarofgreen Ok, it's done. https://denof.theoccasionoctopus.net/a/w3_social_web_incubator_community_group/event is events for next 2 months.
# jarofgreen In the footer of that page you can click a link and set the timezone you want to view in (I can't see that on the NextCloud Web calendar?)
# jarofgreen It will automatically add more according to the pattern, always for the next 2 months - this Python bots does that https://github.com/theoccasionoctopus/theoccasionoctopus-bots-import/blob/main/theoccasionoctopusbotsimport/spiders/w3socialwebincubatorcommunitygroup.py
# jarofgreen You can see it strictly adds in UTC and I've tested on my dev machine - when summer comes, events in the UK timezone shift an hour.
# jarofgreen ActivityPub outbox: https://denof.theoccasionoctopus.net/activitystreams/534a0d07-918b-48e0-9235-3ced151cd45e/outbox with each event
# jarofgreen And following @w3_social_web_incubator_community_group@denof.theoccasionoctopus.net miggggghhhhhhht give you Event objects sent to your inbox - I'll admit my ActivityPub interop has not been fully tested ......
# jarofgreen .... but if anyone wants to follow that, and is prepared for a bit of chat with me, I'm happy to make that work better in the future.
# jarofgreen And finally, if rhiaro or others want they can create a login and I’ll give them access to edit events - so more details can be added - special one-off changes can be made - etc
# jarofgreen (BTW this software does do reocurring events, but I’ve delibretly not used that feature here for several reasons)
# jarofgreen But now - I'm off to bed. I'll post this on forum tomorrow, unless you tell me that's cheeky :-)
# jarofgreen rhiaro: ^^^^^^^
dmitriz, sl007, paul, h_ll_k_n and tinyrabbit6 joined the channel
tinyrabbit6, tinyrabbit66, ajordan, Grishka, how, dmitriz, sl007 and paul joined the channel