csarvenhttps://test.activitypub.rocks/ is down or something again.. I'm sure I've mentioned this before .but the Internet Archive snapshots are no good either because content on the page is dynamically loaded with JavaScript from a WebSocket.. and IA rewrites the URLs.
rhiarocsarven: test.ap.rocks has moved to test.activitypub.dev The old implementation reports from the old test suite are linked from the homepage http://activitypub.rocks/
csarvenbecause no one asked, i'll mention how the LDN test suite works for those that don't know... test reports and summary at https://linkedresearch.org/ldn/tests/summary . all data on that page is human- and machine-readable in HTML+RDFa. the server generates that page by looking up the test suite's inbox for reports (notifications). the full test report is linked from there as well (also in HTML+RDFa). No JavaScript requirement on the clientside..
csarvenhttps://test.activitypub.dev/ -- Web sites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for test.activitypub.dev expired on 13/01/2021.
jarofgreenrhiaro: feel free to edit events if you want, just don’t edit the orginal_start_time thing - that’s a special field the bot that creates the events uses to track what has already been created