#social 2021-01-22

2021-01-22 UTC
erincandescent, h_ll_k_n, timbl, sl007 and Grishka joined the channel
tantek wrote “They might as well post something about decentralization on Medium”: But they do so! https://jaygraber.medium.com/designing-decentralized-moderation-a76430a8eab ;)
gekk joined the channel
hi all
tommorrow there's a meetup?
hum. interesting thanks I may participate.
paul, dmitriz, sl007, Ariadne, h_ll_k_n, bobwyman and sl0071 joined the channel
↩️ La W3C tiene un estándar de interoperabulidad entre plataformas de microblogeo, pero es posterior a qué Twitter se volviera "líder de mercado": https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ Con ese estándar los nicks son como correos electrónicos, en mi caso tengo una cuenta @fabianhjr@sunbeam.city
Grishka1 and Grishka joined the channel