#stream 2022-11-19

2022-11-19 UTC
joshuapsteele++ for supporting all the things!
joshuapsteele has 1 karma over the last year
↩️ (Btw these are my broadly related bookmarks around various alternative/indieweb/peer-to-peer/federated/other social media tools; not necessarily filling in for what Twitter is/was good)
IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], [aciccarello] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
gRegor and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
See you on #Mastodon guys! @Karafortier@indieweb.social
For those you getting a Mastadon account, feel free to add me- @shmoss@indieweb.social
↩️ Will look into it. Q: is it owned by a billionaire?
↩️ Not likely. Maybe Singapore $ though?
↩️ It seems to fulfil the promise of the web: a #decentralised network owned by people—not owned by corporations or controlled by faceless shareholders. It shows the enduring power of the web lies in the people who create, the #indieweb, not centralised platforms that sell ads 2/6
↩️ Oh indieweb Who runs it? People you know?
↩️ y'all know about indieweb, yah? they have meetups every week or so and talk about this kind of stuff https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
barnaby and jamietanna joined the channel
The violent crash of FTX has been a structural disaster for thousands of companies. And the ripple effects will extend for quite some time... https://indieweb.social/@daojoan/109369903671558032
↩️ Men ja, jag har joinat Mastodon som alla andra; https://indieweb.social/@wwwaddell
barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
I've stopped procrastinating (#ADHD) and finally got myself on Mastodon @codefoodpixels@indieweb.social https://indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels
claudia1 joined the channel
claudia1, barnaby and Dhalucario joined the channel
I'm https://indieweb.social/@subhapa on Mastodon. Still on Twitter but not sure for how long.
barnaby and [aaronpk] joined the channel
Just joined Mastodon as @emileperron@indieweb.social Let's see how that goes!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
No, no way I am doing this again. I'm moving this microblogging over to Mastodon. I'm @jamesecradockjr@indieweb.social It's easier to find that it is to write. I hope some of the folks I've met here meet up with me on Mastodon. B-bye.
If you want to connect on Mastodon, I'm @cstookey@indieweb.social
Migrei de server no Mastodon, fui do http://indieweb.social para o http://bolha.us, server criado e administrado pelo nosso amigo @gutocarvalho e uma galera braba. Vem todo mundo da #bolhadev!
[iambismark] joined the channel
Just to play it safe, we've now also set up a presence on Mastodon / the Fediverse. You can find us on https://indieweb.social/@inclusivedesign24 #a11y #id24 #accessibility #inclusiveDesign
€UCK THE TORIES YES YES YES GENERAL ELECTION #ToryFascistDictatorship Counting the days which are numbered https://indieweb.social/@joshfwd/109365209412738354
↩️ Lovely! I think you'd like it Andy! The https://indieweb.social/ or https://fosstodon.org/ servers are perfect for people like us! :)
[jamietanna] joined the channel
↩️ is the hesitation not knowing which instance to pick? bc if so, i suggest http://indieweb.social
↩️ When I signed up, I ended up with 3 accounts trying to figure out the best instance. Deleted one. Even Amy mentioning http://indieweb.social makes me wonder if I chose poorly haha
fam, I decided to keep this account open for those who refuse to migrate to Mastodon. (/ passive aggressive rant) @radiominnesota@indieweb.social
gRegor and [manton] joined the channel
↩️ "Post on your own blog and syndicate elsewhere."❤️@indiewebcamp @IndieWebCampDE There is a lot of documentation about how to set up your site to push posts and receive comments from social media silos https://indieweb.org/
Find me on #Mastodon if/when #Twitter implodes: (at)TorrLeonard(at)indieweb[dot]social / @joinmastodon
not suggesting y'all should start paying me, but there are some important longer-term roadmap ideas in here. if we want to make the existence of a twitter alternative viable, these are problems that need solving https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109371722454347558
↩️ Hi, I think I found you on Mastodon, I'm @Uva_Be@indieweb.social there.
Made a Mastodon account. @morewry@indieweb.social
I want to let everyone know that while I won't be deleting this account right now, any new posts will be on my Mastodon account. If you would like to follow me please go to https://indieweb.social/@Kanban #Kanban.
https://indieweb.social/@LesleyJGrahame I'm here on Mastodon, let me know if you're there, it would would be great to see you. Still figuring out how it works but looking forward to saying goodbye to #Musk