#stream 2022-11-20

2022-11-20 UTC
So I made a website template for those who are wanting to join My ABDL webring. What is a webring? https://sadgrl.online/cyberspace/webrings.html IndieWeb is cool, its a place your can express yourself completely, where capitalism is shunned and art is praised! Kit download link in the comments
what is webring?
A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure https://indieweb.org/webring
Ainda não entendi como funciona, de verdade, mas para quem se animar: https://indieweb.social/@tarsisalvatori (tb aceito me explicarem como funciona)
A reminder that Mastodon does not have Donald Trump — and if he ever manages to find his way there, we can collectively ban him posthaste. Anyhow, it looks like time here is about up. You can find me here: https://indieweb.social/@jeff
If you're worried about this bird app and want to follow me on other platforms then you can go and do so on Mastodon! You can find the same updates and news about my games from there: @robisnowtired@indieweb.social
I'm out. You can find me on Mastodon, here: https://indieweb.social/@jeff/ Not much there yet, but you can find my personal blog below — the best 'canonical' place to find me. https://momentafter.org/ Last one out be sure to turn out the lights. #TwitterExodus #MastodonMigration
Bye everyone, it was fun. See you all on Mastodon! @tedspence@indieweb.social
Well, good thing I'll be over at @soychicka@indieweb.social now.
I’m using http://Micro.blog to cross-post to Twitter that I’ve joined Mastodon as @rcade@indieweb.social.
↩️ It does make the Indieweb principle (of which Fediverse is a part) compelling: Have your own site that contains all your stuff, either by posting it there and syndicate out, or post elsewhere and syndicate in, so you own everything.
Deleting my account here once my archive downloads. Hope to see you on mastodon or IRL, friends. `@curtclifton@indieweb.social`
[fluffy] joined the channel
I have no clue what I am doing but out of curiosity I created a Mastodon. https://indieweb.social/@kylelambert
The indieweb. A tale as old a time. RSS let's you follow a site's new content Webmentions let's sites reply to each other Twitter let's hikers keep their families updated via SMS Activitypub adds a pubsub model Everyone turns on Twitter...only to find Activitypub doesn't scale
↩️ Hi! Just added you @als355@indieweb.social
↩️ I'm new at this Mastodon business. If U R 2: Typing this: (at)soychicka(at)indieweb(dot)social in a URL bar didn't get me anywhere. But this did: (take all the spaces out) https :// indieweb . social / @ soychicka This may not be @soychicka 's place. It's empty.
We are now also on mastodon. Give us a follow there. Let’s keep the conversation going. https://indieweb.social/@poongabook
↩️ Well, there are open protocols like the ones from @indiewebcamp and Mastodon nowadays, so we can just move to such a decoupled network that no future Musk can buy at all. Like if Gmail were to shut down, we wouldn’t need to create a new Gmail, because email is an open protocol.
↩️ it's not enough to say "@xyz" on mastodon because it's multiple sites linked together. so e.g. @xyz@mastodon.cloud or @xyz@indieweb.social
↩️ Where you at? I'm @vivtek@indieweb.social.
I’m not techie enough to install #Mastadon, but I’m going to see how to install #ActivityPub or related tech, to have my blog join the #fediverse myself. It’s time to bring back a decentralized web and host all our own stuff ourselves! #indieweb https://thenewstack.io/devs-are-excited-by-activitypub-open-protocol-for-mastodon/
↩️ There are a number of ways to bring in Mastodon content. WordPress has the ActivityPub plug in and combined with the Indieweb plugin, it works pretty well to both push posts out and bring in comments from Mastodon. Top-level posts seem like they'll need other syncing methods.
barnaby joined the channel
If you’re looking for me on mastodon, I’m @blowery@indieweb.social
↩️ Je suis tombé sur cet article qui date un peu mais qui donne également une vue éthique et technique sur les commentaires d'un point de vue #indieweb : https://sebastiangreger.net/2018/05/indieweb-privacy-challenge-webmentions-backfeeds-gdpr
@JoseClerc@indieweb.social est mon nouveau compte sur Mastodon. J'espère vous y retrouver!
↩️ I agree with that. http://Indieweb.social is my instance and it's great!
If you're #LeavingTwitter and want to stay connected, I'm @robdolin@indieweb.social (URL: https://indieweb.social/@robdolin) on #mastodon and RobDolin (URL: https://www.LinkedIn.com/in/RobDolin) on #LinkedIn
↩️ I just got on my http://micro.blog instance again as part of my own indieweb experiment to centralize my content and write more. I'll have to dig into this bit more.
I'm now on Maston, come find me if you're there too! @clhenrick@indieweb.social
↩️ I am currently once again posting from @cambridgeport90@indieweb.social. And proud to be back.
Created an account and made my first #Mastodon post just now! Now looking into setting up a server to support the network. #MastodonSocial #Elonmusk #ElonIsDestroyingTwitter https://indieweb.social/@peterryszkiewicz/109377176156899799
@Bjarne@indieweb.social on Mastodon is my new home. Twitter will eventually be part of my past. It certainly does not provide a sane future.
After all this Twitter fu** up, I decided to try Mastodon. Still pretty confused on how it works, and how I to make the best use of it. This only one server is confusing. My handle http://indieweb.social/@jhfgloria #mastodon #twitter2
Hi Twitter, So I've migrated to Mastadon! You can find me here: https://indieweb.social/@jayrequard Follow me there for more specialized content and stay tuned for the next episode of Pondering The Orb! #mastadonmigration #fantasybooks #indieauthor
Slowly going to migrate to @phiggins@indieweb.social … thanks for all the fish.
Not sure about Mastadon yet but you can find me here: https://indieweb.social/@jefff
↩️ @BHolmesDev Which brings us to https://fed.brid.gy/, a tool for effectively making an indieweb site with Webment… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1594392019463712768
Ok ... this will be the last post here. I don't want to have something in common with Donald Trump. Want to talk with me about tech stuff? Find me here https://indieweb.social/@kiko
↩️ Yup. Very much considering abandoning the platform. I'm set up on Mastodon. https://indieweb.social/@itsburnsie
Follow me on Mastodon @alexmerced@indieweb.social #100daysofcode
jamietanna and barnaby joined the channel
I quite like Mastodon. Come on over. @AdeByrne@indieweb.social