#stream 2022-12-02

2022-12-02 UTC
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
Also follow me on Mastodon https://indieweb.social/@kira. I am sunsetting this account and will soon stop cross-posting.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
@marknadal what are your thoughts about #IndieWeb, @project_solid , #FEDIVERSE , #LinkedData and this kind of initiatives? Do you see any relation with @databasegun , your other projects or yourself?
[marksuth], wskearney and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
It is #FeedReaderFriday! Here is my blogroll, which I primarily follow in NetNewsWire. https://cagrimmett.com/blogroll #indieweb
gRegor joined the channel
The fediverse and the #indieweb (via @benwerd) https://werd.io/2022/the-fediverse-and-the-indieweb "When you post something on the web, it should belong to you, not a corporation.”
paulrobertlloyd, gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[@murat] @rauschma even quote tweet is better since source content owner is notified about this. And #indieweb has web mentions. It’s like the generic version of quote tweet. I don’t think this is mostly for harassment. https://webmention.io/ (https://synaps.space/@murat/109445625202085275)
paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
ah I thought that was a new blog post today but it's a quote from a blog post a couple of weeks ago
[benatwork] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
via Tim Chambers @tchambers@indieweb.social My team at work just launched new research on the #TwitterMigration: We analyze which platforms are growing - especially #Mastodon, #Tumblr & #Post. Download it here: https://www.deweysquare.com/wp-content/upl
[tantek.com] #indieweb 🤝 #fediverse (http://tantek.com/2022/336/t1/indieweb-gift-calendar)
[tantek.com] 🎁 Happy December 1st and welcome to another year of the #IndieWeb Gift Calendar! (inspired by #advent calendars) https://indieweb.org/2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar Thanks to https://martymcgui.re/ (@schmarty) for our first IndieWeb gift of the month! (http://tantek.com/2022/335/t1/indieweb-gift-calendar)
[ender], [benji] and [campegg] joined the channel
@idan@vis.social It's also working on compat with #indieweb technologies like mf2 and webmentions because that movement also rolls with the single user instance ethos so if you're not familiar with that crowd it's worth taking a look at indieweb.org (https://acegiak.net/o/d471b838ba4941d7bdcad4c812f0195f)
^ uh, aaronpk did you already deploy Loqi search results from mastodon.social?!?
[@hollie] I am trying, trying to get my Hugo blog running. Trying to understand Hugo as a non-techie is making my brain melt. But I SO want to have my own little online notebook to tinker with, and I really want to participate in #IndieWeb and I really REALLY want to to be able to explain (https://social.coop/@hollie/109446494234911360)
aaronpk++ WOW
now THAT is worth adding to the IndieWeb Gift Calendar for now
and now I have to come up with an emoji for improvements to IndieWeb chat (or maybe infrastructure as a whole?)
oh yeah
^ aaronpk is that an example of a tweet that mentions indieweb.social still being allowed because it's a post from [timothy_chambe]?
i still havent blocked thm