#stream 2022-12-03

2022-12-03 UTC
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
You can find me on Mastodon at @phx@indieweb.social and I’ll be getting my blog integrated in to ActivityPub soon too so you’ll be able to follow that as well if you like. Updates on that happen on that mastodon account tho.
Dewey Square: A Snapshot of the Twitter Migration >>> https://www.deweysquare.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/DSG-Snapshot-of-the-Twitter-Migration-December-12-2022.pdf In this analysis, we explain our most recent results on these early waves of users opening and promoting other accounts on other platforms. https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109444878965910054 #twittermigration
↩️ I’m thinking about http://indieweb.social for Tap. Not sure it’s the best for a brand though.
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[@dougal] @chrisaldrich @donncha Thanks! I took a quick look at the #IndieWeb site the other day, and had noted that there was a #WordPress specific section, but I hadn’t had a chance to go back and take a closer look, yet. After the holidays, I’m going to try to manage my time better (https://mastodon.social/@dougal/109447097325049719)
I'm on here now also for when Twitter eats itself alive. https://indieweb.social/@AndrewGatto
seems to be working
My team at work just launched new research on #TwitterMigration: We analyze which platforms are growing - #Mastodon, #Tumblr & #Post. We look at which sites users are adding to their Twitter bios, posting to their friends about & downloading apps for. https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109444878965910054
[eilloh.net] I am trying, trying to get my Hugo blog running. Trying to understand Hugo as a non-techie is making my brain melt. (https://blog.eilloh.net/2022/12/02/i-am-trying.html)
Hey a micro.blog post!?
[@chrisaldrich] @chrisaldrich@boffosocko.com Dude!!! How did you manage to inject raw HTML into your mastodon posts?!? I want to wrap text in links like that! Most people posting only get basic links by inserting URLs or #hashtag links. How does one do this?!? We have to know? (https://mastodon.social/@chrisaldrich/109448748757048796)
[eddie] joined the channel
Wow that’s awesome! How are you searching Micro.blog?
[@davidbisset] Did my first "hide boosts from" just now. Ironically it was from someone who is very heavy into #indieweb #fediverse.I get your passionate, but if every fourth or fifth thing in my timeline is a bad fact about Twitter or repeat post on Mastodon growth, that i'll maybe hope to see (https://phpc.social/@davidbisset/109449846113847096)
A research on how #TwitterMigration correlated between alternatives, including #Mastodon and #HiveSocial. https://mastodon.world/@tchambers@indieweb.social/109444879280231746
I’m no longer posting anything on Twitter, but you can find me on Mastodon (it’s nice there) and Micro blog: https://mastodon.social/@rudigermeyer https://micro.blog/rudigermeyer Everything I post there is first posted on my own site: https://rudigermeyer.com/notes which also has RSS. #indieweb
↩️ I'm not familiar with IndieWeb community. Any podcasts I should go on with them?
↩️ I just tried to find you on Mastodon and it didn't find you ... I'm @DrJenHo@indieweb.social -- I feel like I'm still trying to figure out how to find people at Mastodon (sigh)
gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed.org] So Mastodon 4 went js;dr, which means it requires JavaScript to render content. That means that server-side fetches of Mastodon 4 user profiles and posts, eg indieweb.social/@snarfed, no longer return the actual contents in the response. They definitely no longer include (https://snarfed.org/2022-12-03_48181)
In preparation for my Twitter exodus on Jan 1, 2023: here is how you can find me on my (for now at least) new home ... https://indieweb.social/@MaxImmunity
[gregorlove.com] On the IndieWeb chat, Chris Aldrich prompted a discussion about people migrating away from Twitter. I started to reply, but I realized it would be better to post a note here — partly as a nudge to myself and partly to get back in the habit of writing.... (https://gregorlove.com/2022/12/near-term-plans-for-my-twitter/)
ooh, nifty
↩️ You isolated Counter Social (a fork of Masto) while lumping all other masto servers together to get that number. You didn’t differentiate between http://indieweb.social and http://mastodon.xyz for instance. That’s the point.
https://toad.social/@tchambers@indieweb.social/109447181102427589 Mastodon is distributed in many hands many places and is where friends of democracy loosely congregate. Steering population using influence operations is put out of the reach of coup and power mongers.