#stream 2022-12-04

2022-12-04 UTC
hmm looks like some "web3" sourness there. too bad. I appreciate the patience and politeness from [timothy_chambe]++
[timothy_chambe] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
[@rcade] @IrieBrotha May the #IndieWeb be with you. (https://indieweb.social/@rcade/109453231490260751)
[snarfed.org] All the recent Twitter drama has obviously sparked renewed interest in Mastodon and the fediverse, and that’s even included Bridgy Fed, my little IndieWeb side project that turns personal web sites into full-fledged fediverse accounts.... (https://snarfed.org/2022-12-03_bridgy-fed-updates)
gRegor joined the channel
snarfed++ good post!
snarfed has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
[asuh] joined the channel
[@ross] Content warning: Re-introduction from new instanceI'm a software engineer, best known for #http4s and other #Typelevel #Scala. I also geek out over #Emacs and #Nix. I'm probably a #Bayesian.Current passion is the #Indieweb. I had a lovely time on #IndiewebSocial before going... (https://fedi.rossabaker.com/@ross/109453579305614466)
[@mjgardner] @danielpunkass Support #IndieWeb posting via Micropub? https://www.w3.org/TR/micropubI know MarsEdit supports Micro.blog, and Micropub is their main API (it’s what the iOS app uses) https://help.micro.blog/t/posting-api/96It would also be nice to support Webmentions to write... (https://mastodon.sdf.org/@mjgardner/109453828782295353)
[@brettk] @pzingg @davew Oh yeah, Ryan, aka @snarfed.org has built some fantastic infrastructure for the #indieweb, including bridgy, bridgy-fed, and granary. He and @aaronpk (webmention.io, indieauth, quill) are basically the reason my blog functions... (https://indieweb.social/@brettk/109454089557463560)
[@Marco] My self-hosted, #indieweb #Twitter archive is up. Thanks to @eleventy and the excellent work done on the Tweeback project: https://github.com/tweetback/tweetbackYou can find mine here: https://twitter.marcozehe.deAlso, if you read German, my German language archive is here:... (https://tech.lgbt/@Marco/109454576029456341)
[benji] joined the channel
It's been a long time I haven't posted a #microblogpub update, so here we go:... (https://microblog.pub/o/0ccea4864a0b48a2861d69265708d6e0)
tiim, [Michelle_Moore] and [jacky] joined the channel
[@adriancooke] Really enjoyed @manton and @danielpunkass‘s discussion of #mastodon, #microblog, and #indieweb principles on the latest Core Intuition. Second half of the episode: https://coreint.org/2022/12/episode-539-frustrated-on-your-behalf/ (https://indieweb.social/@adriancooke/109456804728677547)
[@quemarlo] ¡Buenos días, buenas tardes y mejores noches a todos!Después de darme un paseito por el servidor he decidido que estaría bien hacer mi #introduccionesMe llamo Marlo, soy de Andalucía (patria querida💚) y estudio #periodismo y realización audiovisual.En mis ratos libres... (https://masto.es/@quemarlo/109456802218266014)
[benatwork], gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[@frank] Currently watching "Putting OrgMode on the indieweb" at EmacsConf22https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/indieweb/#indieweb #emacs #orgmode (https://indieweb.social/@frank/109457286309988059)
micro.blog << [[search]] functionality uses a url query (example https://micro.blog/discover/search?q=indieweb), but it only includes posts which have been added to the "discovery" section and isn't a site wide search
ok, I added "[[search]] functionality uses a url query (example https://micro.blog/discover/search?q=indieweb), but it only includes posts which have been added to the "discovery" section and isn't a site wide search" to the "See Also" section of /Micro.blog https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84898&oldid=84411
jamietanna joined the channel
Mastodon << Verifying your WordPress site with Mastodon instructions: https://g13g.blog/2022/11/09/how-to-verify-your-wordpress-site-on-mastodon/
ok, I added "Verifying your WordPress site with Mastodon instructions: https://g13g.blog/2022/11/09/how-to-verify-your-wordpress-site-on-mastodon/" to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84899&oldid=84664
jamietanna joined the channel
I’ve been learning about IndieWeb today, now I want to hook up my blog with MicroPub somehow. #indieweb https://indieweb.org
Ahhh interesting. Thanks [chrisaldrich]!
[@castarco] I wrote a hard-to-classify article about the #fediverse, #indieweb and #yesterweb https://blog.coderspirit.xyz/blog/2022/12/04/fediverse-yesterweb/There are so many things to talk about that I feel it's already too long, and that I'm missing 95% of what I want to say at the same... (https://hachyderm.io/@castarco/109457713799669685)
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel