#stream 2022-12-05

2022-12-05 UTC
↩️ What is the ways to counter and report about unjustified massive #shadowbanning in twitter ? Our org other account posted in here, is just one of the many examples, #Zuckerberg was also tricked to do it, whit out hes knowladge, is it same about @elonmusk who knows not ..?
gRegorLove__ and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
what the heck does indieweb have to with shadowbanning or reports thereof?
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[@rest] Still figuring out how to embrace the #indieweb properly... This linked post was an attempt (and failure) at syndicating automatically here, so uh, I'll do it manually today: https://www.troyv.dev/2022/12/04/embracing-the-indie-web/ (https://fosstodon.org/@rest/109458575475422884)
[@mikewmerritt] Finally time to make an #introduction. Only a month late!My name is Mike. I'm a web developer from Connecticut currently acting as a Senior Data Engineer for an insurance company. I was happy to learn about Mastodon, #activitypub and #indieweb since it fills that techie gap in my... (https://masto.ai/@mikewmerritt/109458695563398399)
[asuh] joined the channel
The flow of Twitter users stating their new accounts for each platform over this time period, referring to emerging social networks. @tchambers@indieweb.social /Dewey Square Group https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-migration-shows-no-signs-of-slowing-following-musks-takeover #Twitter #Mastodon #TwitterMigration #SocialMedia
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[@zachperlman] I've been using WordPress since the year it came out. Eventually all my website clients began requesting it. I am perfectly at home with it but now getting curious about Ghost. I just installed it on my web server, to see how it works....#blogging #indieweb #wordpress #ghost... (https://mastodonians.social/@zachperlman/109459208772502687)
[@mjgardner] @genehack @eric #Scrobble to https://Last.fm? It’s a bit of a silo (even IFTTT dropped them a number of years back) but maybe you could gin something up with their API if their site proves too onerous?The #IndieWeb folks have collected thoughts on this over time, but so far... (https://mastodon.sdf.org/@mjgardner/109459420592803827)
[schmarty], [KevinMarks] and gRegor joined the channel
[@mjgardner] @joe Echoes the #IndieWeb, which in turn echoes the early #blogosphere. Neither in a good way 😕 (https://mastodon.sdf.org/@mjgardner/109459961159318510)
Don't forget, we're over at @ultimatelybetter@indieweb.social if you prefer your webdev social media to smell less of b*rdm*sk...
[@marco] Inhaltswarnung: Twitter, eigenes ArchivIch habe mit Hilfe von @eleventy und dem #Tweetback Projekt meine #Twitter Archive auf einer selbst gehosteten Website veröffentlicht. Gestern wurde zusätzlich ein Pull Request eingepflegt, der beim Erstellen zukünftiger Archive auf meine... (https://chaos.social/@marco/109461087233091578)
↩️ are happy to consume what is good enough which results in a lack of investment in core IndieWeb style primitives. For example // GitHub issues. Why isn’t that shit stored in git-objects and portable. Why why why?
[Murray] and schopie1 joined the channel
[@cambridgeport90] How many #Indieweb people actually use that feature on their site, anyway? use of a nickname cache Not using a nickname cache (https://indieweb.social/@cambridgeport90/109461305355332215)
[@cambridgeport90] the only thing that the Wordpress #Indieweb plugin doesn't currently have is a nickname cache for contacts, which the Indieweb drupal module does have, but I'm willing to take that on as a way of learning PHP if somebody wants. (https://indieweb.social/@cambridgeport90/109461304402656093)
[@cambridgeport90] I have decided, that in light of the plugin disaster from a few months ago with Wordpress being averted, I can actually use it once again. Did somebody say that using #BridgyFed versus the AP plugin of Mathias is better? Something about bridgy mapping post kinds for the #Indieweb... (https://indieweb.social/@cambridgeport90/109461298797193115)
Just a reminder if you're looking for something new you can follow me over at the toot site! @robisnowtired@indieweb.social
Insight into the #TwitterMigration using bios, DLs, accounts, DAUs, etc. Mainly to #Mastodon, #Tumblr [really?!}, #Post, #Discord. via #Fediverse admin @tchambers@indieweb.social HT @jperlow@journa.host D/L it at https://bit.ly/3XLnjQa [pdf] I'm at @AndiMann@Masto.ai
As a newbie to Mastodon, I initially just jumped on a random instance without any forethought. For some time now I've been considering finding a more appropriate home - more attuned to my interests. Oddly enough, while I've been musing upon this and not… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109456772755718651
I'll be streaming on https://www.twitch.tv/keithamus_codes in 10 minutes!, building more web components! Join me and special guest @techytacos 5pm UTC! https://indieweb.social/@keithamus/109462088246977358
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Baru tahu ada proyek sekeren https://microblog.pub. Benar-benar blog yang mikro ... ruang buat ngeblog yang ukurannya kecil. Dukung #ActivityPub dan #IndieWeb 🤯 Ini contoh akunnya (akun resmi pengembangan microblog.pub): @dev@microblog.pub (https://misskey.id/notes/98emo3xz1a)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
OMG! There is so much to love here about these processes and to see people in the wild experimenting with them and figuring them out.... (https://boffosocko.com/2022/12/05/55812399/)
gRegor and [asuh] joined the channel
↩️ OMG, you and @kanjo are kinda the holdouts from my #JapanLife that aren't in the #fediverse yet. If you ever cross over into #mastodon, #soapbox, #pleroma or anything that will get you into #indieweb, you can find me: https://mastodon.cloud/@jlgatewood Let me know if you need help w/this.
It's been a long time I haven't posted a #microblogpub update, so here we go:... (https://8c60-82-65-180-17.eu.ngrok.io/o/afda06d6ca124d85bc6ecc0cbb84b36f)
nk1 joined the channel