#stream 2022-12-19

2022-12-19 UTC
[iambismark] joined the channel
[manton.org] Thinking of folks bailing on Twitter, I spent a little time clicking through old tweets from when I signed off in 2012. What I got wrong was jumping to another silo. Later went all-in on my blog, building Micro.blog, and embracing the IndieWeb. Those are the things that last. (https://www.manton.org/2022/12/18/thinking-of-folks.html)
[manton] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
ok that's pretty cool that Manton's post from his site showed up here
Prompted by Jepsen and Jamie Brandon leaving this site, I won't post here anymore either @maximsmol@indieweb.social Unfortunately only 11/66 of my follows are there so will probably need to run a https://github.com/NicolasConstant/BirdsiteLive instance
I have an account on indieweb dot social. Is mention of that prohibited here?
tiim joined the channel
↩️ All in due time. The mobile client selection is already quite good IMO. As for server selection... I selected my instance not because I wanted to join Mastodon, but because I wanted to join an IndieWeb community. The federation is just a bonus of top of that.
↩️ @chrisbaty It's not. Pick a provider (I like fosstodon dot org or indieweb dot social) and sign up. Then it's prett… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1604741013121257472
[mas.to/@schizanon] also #ModernWebDev #Cypress #Playwright #shadowDom #WebDev #Lit #buildWithLit #litelement #web3 #coffee #socialism #vr #indieweb #webstandards #serviceWorkers #frontend #fullstack #devops (https://mas.to/@schizanon/109537352265600412)
[hachyderm.io/@sentience] It took me a second to get my head around, but @paulrobertlloyd's #indiekit is an awesome new way to move your social media posts to the #indieweb POSSE model (https://indieweb.org/POSSE). Host it on a private server and have it post content to your static site's GitHub repo and... (https://hachyderm.io/@sentience/109539341277383769)
if you're "fullstack", shouldn't that include building your own website to post notes?
I am on: Post @ nuvicks M-don @ nuvicks on indieweb (dot) social CoSo @ nuv
[hachyderm.io/@sentience] A propos of nothing, my Twitter archive is now hosted at https://kevinyank.com/twitter, thanks to @zachleat's #Tweetback project: https://github.com/tweetback/tweetback#indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@sentience/109539429349523185)
[tantek.com] upgraded my @BBEdit to v14. Thanks https://Barebones.com for a smooth & solid text editor for decades. Its HTML validator checks a/area/link rel for XFN values like rel=me (since 9.6.2).... (http://tantek.com/2022/353/t1/upgraded-bbedit)
^ very cool to see the original post showup instead of the tweet!
[fluffy], [arush], [marksuth] and [denschub] joined the channel
↩️ To usando aqui @tarsisalvatori@indieweb.social e curtindo
↩️ You can always move you account to a new server and keep your followers. You can’t move your posts, though. Running your own instance is an option, or choosing an instance that has been around for a while. Indieweb[dot]social or mastodon[dot]design, for example.
[front-end.social/@mxbck] This is fantastic: @paulrobertlloyd built this comprehensive set of #IndieWeb tools to help you post from and to your own website. 💜Uses MicroPub standard and integrates nicely with static sites!I'm really excited about this. check it out here:https://getindiekit.com (https://front-end.social/@mxbck/109540254533285313)
[indieweb.social/@nachtfunke] 👀 Hi hello, yes - I know what I'll be doing after work: https://getindiekit.com/#indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@nachtfunke/109540421794251220)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] Been into webrings lately. @sadness has a really cool 'Surf the Web' page: https://sadgrl.online/cyberspace/surf-the-web.html that helped me get started. Many thanks, sadness! #webdev #web #indieweb #website #webring (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/109540489776346014)
tiim joined the channel
↩️ Yes! Great to hear! https://IndieWeb.org and https://micro.blog has a ton of people doing this if you need any inspiration or support
Check out today's Metacurity for the top infosec news you might have missed over the weekend. Lead items via @zackwhittaker@mastodon.social @web3isgreat@indieweb.social @serghei@mastodon.social @billtoulas@beta.mstdn.cf @saraheneedleman@ohai.social, more https://metacurity.substack.com/p/fortnite-to-pay-520-million-for-violating
Metacurity will no longer include the Twitter handles of journalists whose articles appear as lead items in our daily newsletter. But most of the journalists have accounts elsewhere, including @zackwhittaker@mastodon.social @web3isgreat@indieweb.social 1/2
As it turns out... to finish out the Mastodon block saga on the #Indieweb instance? Wasn't a suspension at all... but a frozen account. I didn't even know that mastodon accounts could be frozen. Needless to say, I'm back up and posting; admin will watch for it happening again.
[post.lurk.org/@pixouls] Just updated my #podcast page 📻 https://www.pixouls.xyz/podcasts.html#personalwebsite #handcraftedwebsite #smolweb #indieweb #dither (https://post.lurk.org/@pixouls/109541353967341373)
[botsin.space/@ryanfb] Wanna set this up yourself? If you have a static site, it's pretty easy!Just download your current Mastodon account's webfinger response, e.g. for my account here this is: https://botsin.space/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:ryanfb@botsin.spaceNow, just make this file... (https://botsin.space/@ryanfb/109541374625293769)
↩️ I am on indieweb[dot]social it is vetted but when I signed up I was approved really quickly
gRegor and [will] joined the channel
Understanding this is important (though I'm still trying to figure out what client I can actually use #Nostr with and how.) #ActivityPub is a protocol and so is #IndieWeb. And #ATProtocol. I am excited about all of these. Is it too soon to call what's happening #web4 ?
[seizemeans.com/@apollo] Mastodon breaks with my adherence to POSSE (Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) so I've been doing weekly digests to be sure I have a record of things I can be confident in lasting. Embedding makes it easier for posts I shared, and I can add in my own stuff properly... (https://seizemeans.com/@apollo/109541684454475601)
[indieweb.social/@lonseidman] On my YouTube channel tonight I’ll be discussing some ways I’ve implemented #indieweb practices into my work. I’ll also look at some things I’d like to do in the future. Would love to get some feedback from the experts ! Video goes live at 6:45 pm and will also be linked... (https://indieweb.social/@lonseidman/109542013088280934)
barnaby joined the channel
↩️ Lots of software engineers I follow are on hachyderm[.]io and indieweb[.]social, but not sure if they have open sign-ups at the moment. Lots of servers occasionally pause registrations to cope with the influx of new users, or are invite/apply-only
I'm not leaving twitter, but if you are and want to stay connected, I'm @curiouslychase@indieweb.social on Mastodon.
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] @lonseidman wow, my worlds colliding! I've been following your YouTube for years now! I'd love to chat more about this. I've been putting a bunch of #IndieWeb principles to work on my YouTube channel as well! (https://aaronparecki.com/2022/12/19/16/)
[mastodon.nz/@pablo] #IndieWeb people, I am trying to setup https://fed.brid.gy on my site but I keep getting a 400 when it tries to parse my h-card. Bridgy says it cannot find it the h-card, but the html is there. Has anyone seen this before? (https://mastodon.nz/@pablo/109542555557142917)
[manton] joined the channel
[electronicmusic.social/@FnX] So, for starters, here's our Bandcamp https://fnxmusic2.bandcamp.com/ #bandcamp #indieweb #indiedance #welshindie #synthesizer #welsh (https://electronicmusic.social/@FnX/109540370916437311)
[social.data.coop/@kongputer] Kære social.data.coop folk (og internettet generelt): Jeg self-hoster (selv-hoster?) et lille udpluk af værktøjer til personligt brug (shaarli, dokuwiki, TT RSS). Hvad mangler jeg i min værktøjskasse, som du ikke selv kan leve uden?#selvhoster #selfhosting #indieweb #foss... (https://social.data.coop/@kongputer/109542609892160488)
Cambridgeport90++ yay glad to hear you got your account working again and thanks also to [timothy_chambe]++
[timothy_chambe] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
Cambridgeport90 has 1 karma over the last year
pablo1 joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@elgg] #POSSE If you're having trouble crossposting from your (silos) accounts #IndieWebhttps://indieweb.org/POSSE (https://indieweb.social/@elgg/109543009253593835)