#stream 2022-12-20

2022-12-20 UTC
[toot.jeena.net/@jeena] 6 years ago I gave a talk about the #IndieWeb at work. Here are the slides: https://jeena.net/media/2016/IndieWeb-Jeena.pdf (https://toot.jeena.net/@jeena/109543050851938794)
Check out my latest video: How I Own and Control My Content with Indieweb Principles https://buff.ly/3FGcW83
It looks like Twitter is allowing links to Mastodon again in Tweets. https://indieweb.social/@lonseidman
↩️ Meanwhile you know and i make it strangely complex on myself, I went with accounts by topic that I'd focus on, so I have one where it's mostly web development, one for writing, one for indieweb stuff, one for general discussion/movies/health etc
↩️ Yeah, it was some bullshit, and continues to be. Really wish they'd sort things out over here already 'coz it's trashed my follow count. But I'm having fun with Mastodon and Indieweb and stuff over there so there's a silver lining.
[mastodon.social/@cdevroe] @bobwyman What about #indieweb? Or, just, the web?I feel the social web is today what the web has always been. Open, federated, decentralized. (https://mastodon.social/@cdevroe/109543709940691973)
[social.coop/@bmann] I was just musing to myself about #IndieKit once again. Turns out @paulrobertlloyd is announcing the #opensource #indieweb #nodej server on the way to a v1.0: https://paulrobertlloyd.com/articles/2022/12/indiekit/Congrats, Paul! (https://social.coop/@bmann/109543830932691515)
^ yep we picked a good name
Where did all that bikeshedding bring you? Back to us. (no apologies to Thanos)
New #ENS domain registrations indieweb.eth widimossventures.eth
oh boy
[iambismark] joined the channel
worth a browse for a laugh. may be of interest to @slds91 (& everyone)? 'only some of the many disasters happening in crypto, defi, NFTs, and other blockchain-based projects': https://indieweb.social/@web3isgreat
tiim, gRegor, [pfefferle] and rupl joined the channel
↩️ #BuildInPublic Just passed $100K in lifetime proceeds for Shoot Pro Webcam https://indieweb.social/@michaelforrest/109545404311443256
久しぶりにブログを更新しました。 「自分のウェブサイトを持つ」 私企業Webサービスの代替としてのインディーウェブ(The IndieWeb Movement) | 枯淡苑 https://www.cotan-en.com/blogs/news/the-indieweb-movement
[fosstodon.org/@leonp] Friends of Charles #Darwin evolves and goes #posse #Indiewebhttp://friendsofdarwin.com/a-long-desired-plan/ (https://fosstodon.org/@leonp/109545783621290360)
Pausing my twitter policy of only trolling Elon to post some personal professional news Also, follow me at http://indieweb.social/@patdennis
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] Hello @Gargron I am just curious whether you believe this issue will be reconsidered - https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/12915. The workaround doesn't work for me and it would be nice to have this feature work in #bridgy for #wordpress and #mastodon.#indieweb (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109546181593376583)
[adactio.com] Pluralistic: Better failure for social media (19 Dec 2022) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow... (https://adactio.com/links/19763)
[adactio.com] Network effect... (https://adactio.com/links/19764)
barnaby joined the channel
Posted on Mastodon: https://indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels/109546350623935181 @anildash Any chance of a boost for a fediverse related Glitch project?
Posted on Mastodon: https://indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels/109546337253773277 Because sharing follow links isn't straightfoward on the fediverse, I've built FediFollow. FediFollow gives you a page where someone can put their handle in and be redirected to their instance's remote follow page. For example, her…
In 410 AD, the Goths sacked Rome. In Italy, not Georgia. That's all well and fine, maybe if you're not on the receiving end of the sack, but in 1978 this record was recorded. So, there's that. And this's what I'm listening to this morning.… https://indieweb.social/@jamesecradockjr/109523470146681714
[tech.lgbt/@chaosexanima] @darnell @Kichae @trevorflowers yeah exactly lolll. like he tweeted about #indieweb months ago for Tumblr and internally I ran with it. started talking with folks, had some calls, came up with a plan... and then nothing. never got engineers or funding.there seems to be more... (https://tech.lgbt/@chaosexanima/109546794611121775)
[indieweb.social/@rcade] I asked a question in Mastodon founder Eugen Rochko's upcoming AMA today on Reddit."Are you concerned that the workload of Mastodon instance admins since the mass exodus from Twitter will be more than some can handle, leading to shutdowns that leave a lot of users frustrated?... (https://indieweb.social/@rcade/109546984041348909)
gRegor joined the channel
Lets see... can I post http://indieweb.social, now? Links to it, that is?
↩️ There's some good discussion on this topic happening over on Mastodon as well: https://mastodon.social/@mykalmachon@indieweb.social/109547055879810073
[Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@cambridgeport90] well, reinstating my following on #indieweb.social this afternoon; thank you profile directories. (https://indieweb.social/@cambridgeport90/109547479687140460)
[indieweb.social/@ayaye] I don't back much on Patreon, but decided to chip in for #indieweb since it's an actual server and real admin keeping it alive, and not by a large infra team continuously threatened by some entitled billionaire with a personality cult bigger than Nicolae Ceausescu's. (https://indieweb.social/@ayaye/109547531389057971)
[snarfed]++ for the helpful back/forth in https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/12915 — great example of how to constructively engage with a big/busy OSS project
[snarfed] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (97 in all channels)
[KevinMarks]++ for following up on that Tumblr-related thread ^
[KevinMarks] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
[preview] [snarfed] #12915 reproducible HTTP 502 error in OAuth /oauth/authorize
[schmarty], [chrisaldrich] and tiim joined the channel
best examples of POSSE you've seen? https://indieweb.org/POSSE thinking about building myself a flow where i publish short-form notes to myself at http://stream.spencerchang.me with an RSS feed which feeds into a tool that lets me syndicate it to diff places (twitter, discord, etc.)
[jamietanna] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@ayaye] I kid you not when I'm saying the mobile version of #Mastodon is really good. Even on desktop I resized the browser window to see if the responsiveness will trigger and it did, and I just kept it like that. All those feeds/shortcuts in the left sidebar are super handy. I'll just... (https://indieweb.social/@ayaye/109548456632219625)
[ourempty.pub/@sikkdays] @lnxw37b4 @ichris Yeah Walt, I really wanted to get Webmention working, but going #indieweb is going to be a major overhaul and I haven't found time. (https://ourempty.pub/@sikkdays/109548606405500152)