#stream 2022-12-21

2022-12-21 UTC
↩️ IndieWeb (https://indieweb.org/) has a lot of this! It’s still a little in the roll-your-own stages last I looked, but there’s definitely decent infrastructure for it with Wordpress. Like you say, the biggest issue is buy in
[social.tchncs.de/@werawelt] @atomicpoet Very good too for #Activitypub and #Wordpress is #Indieweb-Plugin https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/ It is also designed by m.#pfefferle (https://social.tchncs.de/@werawelt/109548973557771599)
Well, I'm slowly rebuilding my followers list on https://indieweb.social. All my followers, following, and posts (over 2500 of them) have now been lost to time. I'm hoping that I see this bug more often.
[social.coop/@hollie] Updated the blog on learning Hugo, grumping about WordPress (I just have to get it out of my system) and building my little site. https://eilloh.net/posts/2022/12/20-update/#IndieWeb (https://social.coop/@hollie/109549478705378049)
[eddie] joined the channel
↩️ Working towards a project in the #Indieweb space, though at the moment,just trying to hold myself accountable while developing programming language skills.
[mastodon.social/@jbzfn] Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech — @mmasnick #Indieweb #dweb #fediverse https://knightcolumbia.org/content/protocols-not-platforms-a-technological-approach-to-free-speech?utm_source=pocket_mylist (https://mastodon.social/@jbzfn/109550312036060682)
gRegor joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@ayaye] Catppuccin color theme > Dracula color themeyay or nay?#indieweb #linux #foss (https://indieweb.social/@ayaye/109550696201022454)
tiim, barnaby and [Serena] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@whalecoiner] OH MY DAYS this looks great! Gonna install it for my site ASAP. Amazing work @paulrobertlloyd! #indiewebhttps://getindiekit.com/ (https://indieweb.social/@whalecoiner/109551639727179823)
New Post: "Accept Webmentions using F#, Azure Functions, and RSS" Here's my contribution to this year's F# Advent. Thanks to @sergey_tihon for organizing it. #fsharp #FsAdvent #webmentions #indieweb https://www.luisquintanilla.me/posts/receive-webmentions-fsharp-az-functions-fsadvent/
[toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev] New Post: "Accept Webmentions using F#, Azure Functions, and RSS"Here's my contribution to this year's F# Advent. Thanks to @sergey_tihon for organizing it.#fsharp #FsAdvent #dotnet #webmentions... (https://toot.lqdev.tech/@lqdev/109551937694947490)
[indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels] @anildash I didn't like how awkward it was for someone to follow you from an external site, so I built FediFollowFediFollow gives you a page where someone can put their handle in and be redirected to their instance's remote follow page.For example, here's mine:... (https://indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels/109552281889746260)
[manton] joined the channel
[manton.org] We’ve written a help article about the differences between Micro.blog and Mastodon. Hope it helps clarify a few things! I love our support for ActivityPub, but we’re trying to do something different too and don’t want to lose that. (https://www.manton.org/2022/12/21/weve-written-a.html)
[mas.to/@schizanon] @zachleat @evan @brianleroux I'm just going to gadfly and make sure that everyone who's working on #indieweb #ActivityPub is sharing each other until y'all open source something I can use 😘 (https://mas.to/@schizanon/109552595608871123)
I'm about to go live on https://www.twitch.tv/keithamus_codes building yet another web component from the web component slot machine! https://indieweb.social/@keithamus/109552721590820810
gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.kylemacquarrie.co.uk/@kyle] In the #indieweb spirit, I wrote up some of the (extremely hacky) scripts I've used to port my personal site's content from (Stacey+WordPress) -> Padrino -> Astro, with a bonus helping of rewriting Flickr hotlinks to local files.It's a fun [citation needed] journey through... (https://mastodon.kylemacquarrie.co.uk/@kyle/109552876506404301)
[indieweb.social/@ayaye] do I see clearly or you can have transparent background profile pictures on Mastodon ? or is it just Metatext's way of displaying them?#indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@ayaye/109552900222864835)
"fun" 😭 😂
[aciccarello] and [marksuth] joined the channel
↩️ yes! all the indieweb stuff is cool but feels too complex; webrings are awesome but a lil esoteric also love the "blogchain" format, conversations across personal sites we recently made this little experiment to help facilitate some of that energy! https://threads.garden/
tiim and [James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
[wandering.shop/@KelsonV] I've been slowly redoing parts of my personal website over the last year or so, continually pulled between two extremes.1. I want to make everything federate with everything else so it's as interoperable as possible, from #ActivityPub to #IndieWeb!2. I want something that doesn't... (https://wandering.shop/@KelsonV/109553936844167806)
[glitch.cat.family/@Lady] you may have heard of anti-software software clubbut have you heard of… anti-#indieweb indie web (https://glitch.cat.family/@Lady/109553969372669353)
What is a blogchain?
A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure https://indieweb.org/blogchain
lol @ the “anti-indieweb indie web”
Catch me on mastodon ✌️ https://indieweb.social/@thomasreggi (checking to see if I can post mastodon links again after I deleted them to not violate policy)
[writing.exchange/@blindscribe] Does anyone know a place where I can host pictures In albums like on Facebook so I can organize them and share links to albums with people? I hate Facebook, but I really do love their albums features, and they allow for editing #AltText at any time. Does that kind of album based... (https://writing.exchange/@blindscribe/109554156911708273)
[Fresno] joined the channel
[mastodon.design/@williamhzo] now that we're getting back to basics with #RSS feeds, do you have some reader apps to recommend? ideally that would seamlessly sync through my devices. i've been eyeing https://reeder.app which looks pretty nice. #IndieWeb (https://mastodon.design/@williamhzo/109552035155838948)
[indieweb.social/@Lobau] fiiiine, I'll stop hacking my way around the raw Node http server and I will _finally_ learn to use Express #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@Lobau/109554327751018762)
aaronpk joined the channel
IndieKit opportunity ^ ? [Paul_Robert_Ll]