#stream 2022-12-28

2022-12-28 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
Understanding a compiler misconfiguration bug with a disassembler https://indieweb.social/@uavster/109588063979128075 #RetroComputing
petermolnar and gRegor joined the channel
↩️ I have 9 pitchers. Take this one. This 8inch footed one can be yours this week, mailed or can be delivered in SF area. Get yourself something beautiful. Really hope a friend wins this one so I can send them a care package..... https://indieweb.social/@evolove/109584079145473762 (2/2)
RT tchambers: Found #FollowGraph very useful to find new folks to follow. It shows you those your current Mastodon friends follow and makes it easy to check out these accounts. I found especially value in finding… https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109586931776647170
barnaby and tiim joined the channel
[jvt.me] Once this PR is merged to Fedifinder folks should be able to discover my Fediverse address through it, which is @www.jvt.me@www.jvt.me for those who don't want to wait, if you wanna follow what used to get published to Twitter (always via my site first and foremost!) (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2022/12/iq7qd/)
[mastodon.social/@voxpelli] Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that includes:- Content authoring... (https://mastodon.social/@voxpelli/109591136162473174)
barnaby and [manton] joined the channel
[manton.org] I don’t agree with everything in this post by M.G. Siegler (found via @rcrackley) but I do love the “Mastodon brought a protocol to a product fight” line. Of course, the protocol is plumbing. Like the IndieWeb specs, the protocol is implementing a philosophy, and that... (https://www.manton.org/2022/12/28/i-dont-agree.html)
[indieweb.social/@brettk] @mehulkar So it's hosted externally here:https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/My site is registered with the webring, and the forward/back links point to the webring site, which returns a redirect to the next site in the ring.The #IndieWeb site has a nice little explainer if you want to learn... (https://indieweb.social/@brettk/109592631239676924)
gRegor, [chrisaldrich] and [iambismark] joined the channel
[social.yesterweb.org/@triptych] I am more and more convinced that the only reason folks are not taking advantage of the incredible power and expressivity of vanilla HTML, CSS, JS, and SVG is because they are simply not aware of it, and things like React , Tailwind, and Nextjs are acting as shortcuts that... (https://social.yesterweb.org/@triptych/109593155103459061)
Until I finish setting up http://phoenixtrap.com for full #IndieWeb and #Fediverse peering you can find me on #Mastodon at http://social.sdf.org/@mjgardner If you need to verify me elsewhere or send me encrypted messages you can go to http://keyoxide.org/4dadfefe8e4ad0f92bcbbb8142f3ca898cb08a45
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel