#stream 2022-12-29

2022-12-29 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@sentience] Thanks to @paulrobertlloyd's #indiekit, this post started life on my personal website, and was auto-syndicated to Mastodon. The future! #indieweb #POSSE (https://hachyderm.io/@sentience/109595382458710648)
[social.rossabaker.com/@ross] Post-disaster #Introduction:I am best known for #Scala, #Typelevel, and #http4s. I geek out over #Emacs, #Nix, and the #Indieweb. I'm probably a #Bayesian.I live in #Indianapolis, #Indiana with a #Dachshund, #Coonhound, #TuxedoCat, and a freshwater #Aquarium or five. I offset... (https://social.rossabaker.com/@ross/109595380738434617)
↩️ documenting this Sheril! FYI attorneynora CuriousScout impersonation's a huge vector for disinfo here. Here's a good snapshot of state-of-the-art today. https://indieweb.social/@jdp23/109583474870543280 (2/2)
[mastodon.elest.io/@j_forrest] This honestly feels like one of those rare times in internet history where a good portion of people take back the web to use in meaningful ways again instead of pure commercialism. The #IndieWeb rules! 💥 (https://mastodon.elest.io/@j_forrest/109595523545225336)
[mastodon.social/@benpate] Hey #IndieWeb -- I'm so close to getting #WebSub working in Emissary. I started on it first because it seemed easier than ActivityPub. It's a great spec, but wow, it's been a lot tougher than I'd expected. Can't wait to show it off, though! (https://mastodon.social/@benpate/109596019301374311)
barnaby joined the channel
[adactio.com] (Almost) no one cares Every time I’ve thought “this is a niche subject or random thought, no one will be interested but I’ll publish anyway” someone will let me know that it was the EXACT train of thought they were thinking or thing they were looking for. (https://adactio.com/links/19787)
[indieweb.social/@iamschulz] I've removed my Twitter profile and share links and went full #indieweb instead. My website is a fediverse application, thanks to https://brid.gy @iamschulz.com I'm accumulating likes and comments from webmentions and @ThePracticalDev (https://indieweb.social/@iamschulz/109596953940108391)
People you take note of what Jane’s Faunt has done with books, at the chain he founded, then Waterstone’s, and now B&N. Shouldnt social platforms learn from this. https://indieweb.social/@charlesroper/109596893913228979
[Rick] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] IndieWeb: WordPress RSVPI have been working on ways to use the native WordPress block with classes to produce content that has the appropriate microformat classes. I was successfully in submitting an RSVP with one exception, the image does not seem to want to work properly. I am... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109597719784975773)
gRegor joined the channel
That B&N toot thread is very much what I’d expect to read on Twitter.
Tweetstorm followed by replies from armchair experts.
[cleverdevil.club/@jonathan] Hearing @siracusa give the perfect pitch for #IndieWeb on @atpfm this week is deeply satisfying. Well done, John! Very approachable and cogent. (https://cleverdevil.club/@jonathan/109598568035588278)
gRegor joined the channel
Found out about hidden city flights today and if you follow that logic all the way down the line to its eventual conclusion you realize we're all going to be extremely fked if we want to fly anywhere in the future. https://indieweb.social/@Chronotope/109598597669253027
My story episodes on #SeldonCrisis are the relative heavy hitters getting ~200 downloads in first 30 days. The latest guest episode with Robert #Zubrin is on track to double that at the current pace. #Mars #MarsDirect #NASA #Panspermia #LifeOnEarth… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109598695031148692
I would like to thank Elon Musk for introducing me to the most life-changing thing in the past year, the joy of Mastodon as a social network. The number of ways it's superior keeps growing. Interactions are in general more meaningful and… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109599032291492373
↩️ Или 2014-м, да пофиг. Забава в том, что я походу уже тогда изобрел свой собственный IndieWeb и POSSE, когда весь контент из всех соцсетей и сервисов агрегировался в мой бложек в виде таймлайна, но вообще не понимал что происходит и твитил в свое удовольстве для друзей
[indieweb.social/@jamesvandyne] Tanzawa Strava Integration Merged https://jamesvandyne.com/9a2f5510-d7b6-4fed-92eb-12ddb12a6540#Running #IndieWeb #Strava (https://indieweb.social/@jamesvandyne/109599621046855795)