#stream 2023-01-11

2023-01-11 UTC
gRegor and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[willnorris.com] Over the last decade or so, many companies (especially in tech) have adopted a... (https://willnorris.com/2021/intentionally-positive/)
[willnorris.com] Demoing my simple publishing workflow at IndieWeb Summit 2016. (https://willnorris.com/2016/indieweb-demo/)
[willnorris.com] I’m looking forward to attending IndieWebCamp SF 2015 this year. I’ve missed the last couple of events for... (https://willnorris.com/2015/attending-indiewebcamp/)
[willnorris.com] I’ll be attending IndieWeb Summit in Portland next week, probably working on the... (https://willnorris.com/2016/indieweb-summit/)
[fandom.ink/@evenstar] opened: the Shoujo Kakumei Utena fanlisting https://sku.anthy.net#ShoujoKakumeiUtena #RevolutionaryGirlUtena #fanlisting #fansite #staticwebsite #oldweb #handmadehtml #indieweb #retroweb (https://fandom.ink/@evenstar/109668702628959712)
what's going on with the [will] mentions ^
[will] joined the channel
I finally reactivated my inbound webmention script after it had been dormant for about a year. But that only pulls mentions from webmentions.io and stores them in my git repo... shouldn't trigger anything out bound. Weird.
I guess the fact that those inbound mentions finally got published on my site triggered something?
oh! no, it's probably unrelated to that. I changed the canonical URLs of my posts, so these all look like new mentions because they have a new source URL. doh.
I switched from /YYYY/MM/name to just /YYYY/name.
I didn't manually resend any webmentions though.
I wonder what search picked them up.
Are you running the WP ActivityPub plugin?
no, this is a static site with hugo
did you hook it up to BridgyFed?
I have some bridgy stuff setup... it's been a long time though so I don't remember which pieces
oh, is that specifically for fediverse? No, I haven't set that up.
Loqi follows a bunch of feeds so if the site suddenly has some new URLs they would have been picked up
interesting case because how should a consumer of a feed know that a new URL is a new version of a previously seen URL?
Is <a rev=""> still a thing? Would rev=canonical make sense to link to aliases pages for which the current page is canonical? So...
<link rel="canonical" href="//new-canonical-url">
<link rev="canonical" href="//old-canonical-url">```
That would be an indicate that client should check old-canonical-url to verify that it actually points to new-canonical-url and update whatever things accordingly?
Though I seem to recall rel vs rev just causing massive headaches and being largely abandoned.
Otherwise, I don't know any clean way a client would know that this is just an updated URL. Cool URIs don't change and all 😕 Didn't think about the implications when I made the change
That does seem like it woul solve it, but I also remember that being a huge source of confusion and also I feel like that's not going to be super easy for most cases when you change permalinks. Most of the time it's gonna be someone switching from cms a to b where neither are aware of each other they just happened to be able to do an import from one to the other on the same domain
yeah rev is going to be nothing but confusion
[will] perhaps we are getting into #indieweb-dev territory with solutions, however this is what I believe the post IDs in Atom, and u-uid in mf2 h-entry are for
[hachyderm.io/@CrowderSoup] My fifth day of #100daysofindieweb is coming to a close. I worked more on grouping tweets by type based on the markdown output of my Twitter Archive.I wrote about it here: https://crowdersoup.com/posts/projects/indieweb/100-days/day-5-classifying-tweets-continued/#Indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@CrowderSoup/109669025605973188)
ah yes, good point (on both #indieweb-dev territory and use of ID / u-uid)
tiim, EarthboundValkyr and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek.com] https://kevinmarks.com/ good catch and thanks. Fixed the typos and resent a Webmention to #BridgyFed using https://mention.tech/ — we’ll see if the cache of my post on your instance is updated. (http://tantek.com/2023/010/t1/)
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@charlesroper] @OohDirectory Other reason I ask is because, back in the day (early 00s) when Netscape and Microsoft were embattled in a bitter browser war of increasing incompatibility (you might remember this), the community rallied around Web Standards. It became *the thing* to blog about Web... (https://indieweb.social/@charlesroper/109670499905125154)
[mas.to/@evenstar] dear lord, if you MUST put white text on an only very slightly darker background, would it be too much to ask to beg you NOT to use a super-aliased pixel-based font, for the love of all that is holy? actually, look, #indieweb folks, can we please, PLEASE stop using pixel fonts... (https://mas.to/@evenstar/109670912167005349)
Once you have a domain^1, and connect it to an #IndieWeb service like https://micro.blog, or a https://indieweb.org/CMS on https://indieweb.org/web_hosting, you can focus^2 on your writing. Or if you enjoy #webDevelopment and want to build (option three^3),... https://tantek.com/t5Nn2
[Murray] joined the channel
[tantek.com] Once you have a domain^1, and connect it to an #IndieWeb service like https://micro.blog, or a https://indieweb.org/CMS on https://indieweb.org/web_hosting, you can focus^2 on your writing.... (http://tantek.com/2023/010/t2/build-use-services)
[ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros] Added two new characters to my kinning red flags, Dr. Horrible, and Rick Sanchez#IndieWeb https://www.vzqk50.com/blog/mens-kinning-red-flags/#dr-horrible (https://ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros/109671430320940204)
[tantek], IWSlackGateway, [snarfed] and [manton] joined the channel
[manton.org] Can’t shake a comment that someone liked Micro.blog but it didn’t have many features. Blogs, themes, plug-ins, social network, podcast hosting, read-later bookmarks, cross-posts, archiving, highlights, email newsletters, bookshelves, IndieWeb, fediverse… Missing: marketing. (https://www.manton.org/2023/01/11/cant-shake-a.html)
[mastodon.social/@m0bi13] @rozie @miklo Rozdzielmy tutaj zwiększanie zasięgu rozumiane jak w publikacjach naukowych: cytujesz, dajesz przypis, treść może dotrzeć w miejsca, w które inaczej by nie dotarła, od zwiększania zasięgu w sensie algorytmu / systemu informatycznego napędzającego sieci... (https://mastodon.social/@m0bi13/109671642573468496)
[manton] ^ I'm trying to spread the good word about micro.blog! In many of my #100DaysOfIndieWeb posts
[tantek] Thanks!
Read from @cdevroe on why blogging is alive and well because it never died: “...activity of publishing just moved around from platform to platform. #IndieWeb set the standards for some of the tools and protocols we now see finding footing.” https://cdevroe.com/2023/01/11/blogging-is-alive
[wandering.shop/@KelsonV] Thinking about this post on "permanence" with #SocialMedia / #IndieWeb / #SelfHosting (for things that you *want* to keep permanent, anyway), balancing questions like are you going to outlive Facebook or the other way around,... (https://wandering.shop/@KelsonV/109671921890123042)
barnaby joined the channel
[adactio.com] Colin Devroe - Blogging is alive and well The past, present and future of blogs. (https://adactio.com/links/19823)
Pessoal, estou testando a rede federada do elefante. Quem quiser me seguir, vem por aqui: https://indieweb.social/@jj
IWSlackGateway, [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@rtud] @hrbf thank you and I appreciate it!Still haven’t heard back from #tumblr customer support, after 8 days. I won’t be going back, but I’m hoping to at least get back my content.I’ve decided to move forward with a flat file CMS for my personal website and I’m currently... (https://mastodon.social/@rtud/109672150260826815)
EarthboundValkyr, [snarfed], [schmarty] and [campegg] joined the channel
[josh.tel/@josh] Disabling notifications from all my corporate social accounts, while leaving them on for Fediverse social accounts: an accidental stroke of genius It helps me prioritize where I truly want to spend my time #IndieWeb (https://josh.tel/@josh/109672351436464142)
[TMichelleMoore], tiim, EarthboundValkyr and tiim1 joined the channel
^ makes sense
[snarfed.org] A long time ago, I decided to show Bridgy‘s raw logs to its end users. Like, raw logs. HTTP requests, database reads and writes, JSON objects, stack traces, etc. It’s an unusual UI feature, but it’s been an unqualified success, enough that when I built Bridgy Fed, I... (https://snarfed.org/2023-01-11_logs-as-end-user-ui)
what are logs
It looks like we don't have a page for "logs" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "logs is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is a log
EarthboundValkyr, gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel