#stream 2023-01-12

2023-01-12 UTC
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] Project Journal: If You See Something That Needs Fixing, Try to Fix ItIntroductionToday’s project journal is a memory of finding something that was wrong and reaching out to find a solution.#100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagementDay 4 of 100When I was... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109673431507254226)
EarthboundValkyr joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@jdzero] The Digital Native Mythhttps://www.jdzero.net/2023/01/09/the-digital-native-myth/#Education #Technology #EdTech #IndieWeb #Blog (https://indieweb.social/@jdzero/109673549312752839)
EarthboundValkyr, angelo, [Tim_Nolte] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[hachyderm.io/@CrowderSoup] Okay okay, I did it! I blogged about the `npm prune` command. #100daysofindieweb is still going strong at day 6. #Indieweb https://crowdersoup.com/posts/projects/indieweb/100-days/day-6-npm-prune/ (https://hachyderm.io/@CrowderSoup/109674450187794710)
[is.nota.live/@fady] k so in the interests of creating my own space online for content and participating in the #indieweb movement, i’ve built my little barebones shack of a website to hock my #horrorart both in print form and on #apparel https://fady.wtf i’m beyond excited about #blogging like... (https://is.nota.live/@fady/109675111002635976)
tiim and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek.com] One of the fun things about #IndieWeb notes & replies is that we're still figuring things out! Like how should we @ someone?... (http://tantek.com/2023/011/t1/indieweb-domain-at-mention)
One of the fun things about #IndieWeb notes & replies is that how we post is actively evolving! Like how should we @ someone? #socialMedia aliases (e.g. @Twitter) were obvious, with prior @-name usage on Flickr etc. Now, some have a domain, or an @-@ ... https://tantek.com/t5No1
[indieweb.social/@arush] Morning everybody. This function is giving me fits, but I will continue tackling it this morning to get a working importer for scrobbles from Last FM as listen posts to my site. #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@arush/109675897250658473)
[tantek.com] One of the fun things about #IndieWeb notes & replies is that how we post is actively evolving! Like how should we @ someone?... (http://tantek.com/2023/011/t1/indieweb-evolving-at-mention)
tiim joined the channel
One of the downsides to the web in it's current form? RSS feeds and other forms of subscription are often hidden. #bringbacktheweb #indieweb #subscribe #rss #timeline
[manton] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
There may be a time when at-mentioning Twitter handles and those of other silos will be less appealing,and while that's true,it's still not yet possible to leave someone's silo out of the web picture at the moment. Too many are still here #indieweb #Twitter #silo
[indieweb.social/@cambridgeport90] The #indieweb social scene is jumping this morning. On Twitter at https://twitter.com/faebornofficial, is mostly the one retweeting all of them. I run that account, by the way. (https://indieweb.social/@cambridgeport90/109676816017606991)
[Murray] and fady joined the channel
[manton.org] I’ll be watching as Medium runs their own Mastodon instance. I like my approach better: integrating ActivityPub directly into the blog platform, not alongside it as a separate platform. But there’s no single right way to do this. (https://www.manton.org/2023/01/12/ill-be-watching.html)
I'll be over on https://www.twitch.tv/keithamus_codes/ in a minute, working on a new TypeScript ECS game engine. Hope to see you over there, we can chat TypeScript, web platform and games! https://indieweb.social/@keithamus/109677249927774791
fady joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] “Today, Medium is launching a Mastodon instance at me.dm to help our authors, publications and readers find a home in the fediverse. Mastodon is an emerging force for good in social media and we are excited to join this community.” Hell yeah. #Technology (https://werd.io/2023/medium-embraces-mastodon)
[poketopia.city/@ignis] I think an often-overlooked tool for us alternative-platform users is bridging/syndication. Not everyone agrees on what platforms to use, and that's okay.How do we resolve disagreements in platform choice? By bridging between them! We must accept disagreements in choice.Also... (https://poketopia.city/@ignis/109677283593874698)
[fandom.ink/@evenstar] opened: Memento Mori, the Yami no Matsuei fanlisting http://hoshi.nu/yamimatsu/...okay, it's 3AM, I'm exhausted, bedtime nao.#YaminoMatsuei #YamiMatsu #fanlisting #fansite #staticwebsite #oldweb #handmadehtml #indieweb #retroweb (https://fandom.ink/@evenstar/109677312452882182)
↩️ Come on over to Mastodon, find an instance that works for you. It’s great! I’m on http://indieweb.social
[cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] Someone should create a service that enables people to establish and retain an identity in the Fediverse. Its great that you can move from instance-to-instance on Mastodon, with redirection, but it would be better if the instance that a user was on was largely irrelevant.... (https://cleverdevil.io/2023/someone-should-create-a-service-that-enables)
that's called your own website right?
You know what's funny, with all the inspiration ActivityPub derived from SMTP, that is one thing it lost
ironically email solved "hide the specific software behind a domain identity" a long time ago
gRegor joined the channel
yep, I think that's because the WG wasn't willing to take on replacing Webfinger / Identity stuff.
#Mastodon is a great platform for freedom of speech, unlike other social media sites. #PlatformCoop #IndieWeb #Decentralizationhttps://buff.ly/3iwS8IJ
angelo joined the channel
and nowadays DNS has a standard mechanism for doing it for arbitrary services that want to support it (whereas email has its own dedicated rcord)
angelo joined the channel