#stream 2023-01-13

2023-01-13 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
Basic activity/notifications are live (on site only, no email/desktop yet) and only for new comments on posts for post author only. You see the notifications since you last 'marked as read' (not shown in screenshot). More coming soon. #BuildInPublic #IndieWeb #MicroBlog
[hachyderm.io/@CrowderSoup] I was able to get my #100DaysofIndieweb post today in just under the wire. I was actually able to write it from my phone!Have a look here: https://crowdersoup.com/posts/projects/indieweb/100-days/day-7-posting-from-my-phone/#indieweb (https://hachyderm.io/@CrowderSoup/109680623482980974)
tiim, gRegor and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[tantek.com] 🎉 Six years ago today, the #IndieWeb Webmention protocol was published as a W3C REC https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/... (http://tantek.com/2023/012/t1/six-years-webmention-w3c)
Elon Musk tweeted something recently about how both parties are bad, more or less, and somehow I missed an important aspect of this. The attacks on him for his embrace of the right are starting to sting. He may also be thinking about how many of his… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109682376661262898
↩️ But what bothered me most was how blatantly political he has become. I'm on the left because I feel that it represents my social philosophy most accurately, but also because it seems obvious to me how much damage has been done by the more… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109682396261865571
↩️ One can tend to forget about the core vision that the pursuit of wealth was necessary to advance. The politics of wealth accumulation and preservation can become so influential that one tends to ally with those who only care about that and… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109682431458828652
↩️ This is where I think I'm still on the same page with Musk. I've met him personally - two decades ago - and this is where his head was at the time. He talked to me about how much he dreamed of getting humanity back on track to… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109682413617263017
↩️ He's still an immensely wealthy man and he has still has powerful ideas for the creation of technologies that can enable humanity in unprecedented ways to reach capabilities many of us have longed for all our lives. He's become distracted,… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109682463956432410
[indieweb.social/tags/indieweb] One way of getting to know me is my writing and my talks.Here is a selection of posts within the areas of Digital Ethics, Human Rights, Usability, Accessibility and more – all with a leaning towards design and communication theory.The Elements of Digital Ethics... (https://axbom.me/objects/20db85fa-2c49-4205-9bb9-f91264f4cabf)
Some of you might know I have mixed feelings about @elonmusk . I'm mostly on mastodon these days - partly due to those mixed feelings - and tried to voice my thoughts about him in a thread that's not really designed for tweet length. Please read it there. https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109682376661262898
Thought about recomposing this thread for tweet length, but I think I'd rather just urge you to read it on the platform that is now my primary social media home. I think it's pretty important to be honest. https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109682376661262898
[tw2113_Slack_] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ Lol Tolhurst and Budgie (don't make me come down there) talk about Juju in this episode of the Curious Creatures podcast. It's a bit rambling. That Juju was largely recorded with The Banshees in a single big room and… https://indieweb.social/@jamesecradockjr/109682900146114081
gRegor and IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@SueNeu] I'm dying! The Normal Gossip Podcast described 90s internet as "a magical, lawless land where fewer parts of the internet were centralized so that 4 men could make a lot of money"#internet #indieweb (https://fosstodon.org/@SueNeu/109682993574312492)
[tantek] joined the channel
I like this article for focusing on the ways the Mastodon experience is superior to Twitter. "I find Mastodon restful. Like the first time you realized that TV is possible without commercials. Also, because journalists and scientists… https://indieweb.social/@seldoncrisis/109683028723880144
[schmarty] joined the channel
[mas.to/@taylorishere] Are there any other indie web makers on Mastodon making cool things?#indieweb #indie #maker (https://mas.to/@taylorishere/109683145752159155)
↩️ Don’t give up. Join the http://IndieWeb.org chat. There are a lot of people there that can help.
[jacky] joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore]++ for being /welcoming!
[TMichelleMoore] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
[snarfed], [aciccarello], [chrisaldrich], starrwulfe1, tiim and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[manton.org] New Core Intuition! We talk about marketing and upcoming app plans. I also fixed a feed issue in Micro.blog with it, so posts will start flowing into @coreint@micro.blog again for fediverse folks who want to follow along. (https://www.manton.org/2023/01/13/new-core-intuition.html)
[indieweb.social/@accordionpolar] I added a "Guestbook" to my personal site!Feel free to drop by and sign it however you please:https://foreverliketh.is/docs/assortments/guestbook/Also open to any thoughts / suggestions on its implementation.#webdev #web #indieweb #website #hugo (https://indieweb.social/@accordionpolar/109683797126633510)
ross1 joined the channel
[TMichelleMoore] and angelo joined the channel