#stream 2023-01-18

2023-01-18 UTC
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] Day 10 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb, #ProjectJournal, #ProjectManagement #WordPressToday, I had hoped to have a plan documented to for my WordPress RSVP Block Pattern. Since yesterday I have been working on: * Learn About Webmentions a Little More Deeply.I read the... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109707188179945313)
[mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube] Seeing as I've thought of some other things I didn't manage to squeeze in last time, here's another #introduction - Lately I've been #writing tiny generic #fantasy #horror adventures in #pocketmod format for #ttrpgs. I plan to put these up on Itch. And maybe I'll put together a... (https://mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube/109707444862394038)
In the process of transforming my http://elizabethtai.com #website into an #indieweb #digitalgarden and I'm so hyperfocused on it it's hard to work lol.
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] In the process of transforming my elizabethtai.com #website into an #indieweb #digitalgarden and I'm so hyperfocused on it it's hard to work lol. (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109708141805304505)
[tantek.com] Replying to people on the social web used to be “simple” before #socialMedia, when we used blogs. You would either write:... (http://tantek.com/2023/017/t1/socialweb-blogs-reply-comment-post)
[iambismark] and gRegor joined the channel
billbennettnz joined the channel
[social.sdf.org/@sehnsucht] Planiverse: a minimalist, no-JS front-end for Mastodon (or... (https://social.sdf.org/@sehnsucht/109708775813489288)
billbennettnz joined the channel
[mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube] Seeing as I've thought of some other things I didn't manage to squeeze in last time, here's another #introduction - Lately I've been #writing tiny generic #fantasy #horror adventures in #pocketmod format for #ttrpgs. I plan to put these up on Itch. And maybe I'll put together a... (https://mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube/109709314228921946)
dtw and gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@voxpelli] Someone should really build a Nuzzel for the Fediverse / #IndieWeb https://daringfireball.net/linked/2021/05/05/nuzzel (https://mastodon.social/@voxpelli/109709830323778398)
IWSlackGateway, [snarfed], [tantek], [jacky], [Jason_Tucker], [Tim_Nolte], gRegor and jgmac1106 joined the channel
This account is mainly used as a POSSE endpoint (https://indieweb.org/POSSE). The interactions I have with my account are mostly write-only and my DMs/replies are checked periodically but not often.
[schmarty], [marksuth], [TMichelleMoore] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@flokosiol] Yes, I want to relaunch my website! Yes, I want start to blog (at least occasionally)!! And yes, I want to launch it all THIS YEAR!!! Let's see how it goes … Thanks @matthiasott and the #IndieWeb folks for the motivation and the constant reminder to own our content. (https://mastodon.social/@flokosiol/109712015057024377)
I like this association of indieweb.social folks with a learning/training ground of sorts to help setup / launch their personal sites
[gregorlove.com] It would be nice if BF could send profile update activities when h-card bio, photo, and link(s) change. I recently changed the h-card on my homepage and instances aware of me prior to that still have my old photo. You mentioned in chat that BF would need to poll for updates. I... (https://gregorlove.com/2023/01/support-profile-updates/)