#stream 2023-01-19

2023-01-19 UTC
↩️ our eyes away from the quotidian details of the slow violence of the military occupation, the ethnic segregation, and the pervasive racist settler colonial logic that underlies it all. #Palestine https://indieweb.social/@majdal/109683099041658442 (2/2)
[@IndieRandWeb] Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time. https://indieblog.page Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://indieblog.page https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fmy29G4XoAIidPz.jpg
Today, I am reading the Webmention and Webmention-Developer pages on the http://IndieWeb.org website. This is going to take a couple of days to review the examples. This is under the task to: * Learn About Webmentions a Little More Deeply. Day… https://tmichellemoore.com/?p=152149
[mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore] Today, I am reading the Webmention and Webmention-Developer pages on the IndieWeb.org website. This is going to take a couple of days to review the examples. This is under the task to: * Learn About Webmentions a Little More Deeply.Day 11 of 100 #100DaysofIndieWeb, #IndieWeb,... (https://mastodon.social/@tmichellemoore/109713631606535064)
[manton.org] Managed to mess up links on my blog while changing something else. Some RSS and ActivityPub posts might be wrong while I sort it out. (https://www.manton.org/2023/01/18/managed-to-mess.html)
I’m not entirely certain when I was turned onto this phrase, but it has stuck with me for quite some time. It’s been sitting as a mobile bookmark for me for at least as long as I’ve owned an iPhone, so maybe going back to 2015-ish. Hapax legomenon – it seems so exotic,... (https://novakeith.net/2023/01/18/hapax-legomenon/)
gRegor joined the channel
#Mastodon is a great platform for freedom of speech, unlike other social media sites. #PlatformCoop #IndieWeb #Decentralizationhttps://buff.ly/3iVqqFw
[mastodon.social/@box464] Tonight, I had some success in my #IndieWeb journey - adding #WebMentions to my blog. I took some shortcuts, but it did help me understand the concepts. Now I can go back and #POSSE it up. 💪 https://www.box464.com/indieweb/2023/01/18/indieweb-webmentions/ (https://mastodon.social/@box464/109714183426309418)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
↩️ He has done more to advocate for the IndieWeb than the most passionate and articulate of advocates. Truly amazing.
gRegor, [tw2113_Slack_] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
The answer to “How should you @-mention someone you are replying to?”^1 can depend on many factors or a few. Context matters somewhat, sometimes. We can simplify it to 2 questions, based on 1 directive: * Elevate #IndieWeb domains, above any silo ... https://tantek.com/t5Nv1
gRegorLove_ and petermolnar joined the channel
[tantek.com] The answer to “How should you @-mention someone you are replying to?”^1 can depend on many factors or a few. Context matters somewhat, sometimes.... (http://tantek.com/2023/018/t1/elevate-indieweb-above-silo)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] "Personal stories on personal #blogs are historical documents," said this Verge article. This is so true for Christopher, who left behind a treasure trove of thoughts, a record of his brilliance on earth. I feel privileged to have found his #blog.And that's why we need personal... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109715970125576953)
↩️ personal #blogging to return, #algorithms be damned. We can't let these stories disappear into the ether. #IndieWeb #Writing https://www.theverge.com/23513418/bring-back-personal-blogging (2/2)
[manton], [aciccarello], floatingghost, gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
Going live on the hour at https://www.twitch.tv/keithamus_codes/ working on a new TypeScript ECS game engine. Hope to see you over there, we can chat TypeScript, web platform and games! https://indieweb.social/@keithamus/109716900072982008
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[hsnl.social/@whreq] wok / tecnologia / Picking a tootnull#POSSE #fediverse #ikiwiki #indieweb #mastodon #selfHosting #tootpickhttp://wok.oblomov.eu/tecnologia/pick-a-toot/ (https://hsnl.social/@whreq/109716964562553959)
first tootpick and now tootnull ?
Herbi1, gRegorLove_ and [benatwork] joined the channel
[iambismark] and [campegg] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@dague] #introduction ... (https://indieweb.social/@dague/109717850363336329)
[cleverdevil.io/profile/cleverdevil] I am using a Shortcut to post via #Micropub to my website, which automatically syndicates to Mastodon. I wish I read, post, reply, and interact from a single app. (https://cleverdevil.io/2023/i-am-using-a-shortcut-to-post)
[mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube] Seeing as I've thought of some other things I didn't manage to squeeze in last time, here's another #introduction - Lately I've been #writing tiny generic #fantasy #horror adventures in #pocketmod format for #ttrpgs. I plan to put these up on Itch. And maybe I'll put together a... (https://mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube/109718190508840525)
angelo joined the channel