#stream 2023-02-16

2023-02-16 UTC
[mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube] Hey #blogging #mastodon and #fediverse #indieweb users. Looking for a new blog framework that isn't just awful and locked-in. Very tired of #wordpress bloat. And #ghostblog just doesn't work without Node JS. So, maybe #writefreely? But if I go self-hosted then I'm either asking... (https://mastodon.au/@lime_juice_cube/109871775879059099)
[mastodon.social/@asuh] @lime_juice_cube I always hear great things about https://micro.blog/ for #indieweb support and easy to use platform. @manton is very receptive to feedback and has a great platform for turnkey site. (https://mastodon.social/@asuh/109871862444367419)
gRegor joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@asuh] @manton @lime_juice_cube I couldn't remember the discussion on #indieweb IRC so I'm glad you corrected me! I should have performed a quick search to verify before typing 😅 (https://mastodon.social/@asuh/109872056887757201)
[socel.net/@sketchee] You Should Check Out the Indie Web https://youtube.com/watch?v=rTSEr0cRJY8&feature=share"In this ramble video, I talk about the indie web - also known as the small web or old web - how it's better than web3, and why I think you should make a website" #indieweb #web3 (https://socel.net/@sketchee/109872158882380863)
[mastodon.social/@rasterweb] Since I mentioned blogging, I forgot to ask for the URL to your blog so I can subscribe to it! Gimme those RSS feeds!#rss #indieWeb #blogging #blog (https://mastodon.social/@rasterweb/109872172749606378)
angelo_ joined the channel
[dri.es] I recently discovered Nostr, a decentralized social network that I find exciting and promising.... (https://dri.es/nostr-love-at-first-sight)
@madargon There is a whole movement dedicated to owning your content, publishing it on your own site, and syndicating it elsewhere called #IndieWeb You can read more about it at indieweb.org @liztai @noellemitchell (https://social.damianwajer.com/display/7b9e6109-3763-eddb-333d-c1a505548749)
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
↩️ trend that plays out over a longer period of time than just a few months post-#Twitter acquisition, as more apps join the decentralization movement." https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/15/is-the-exodus-over-heres-how-twitter-alternatives-have-fared-since-elon-musks-acquisition/ https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109871601147379471 (2/2)
[snarfed] joined the channel
Hey there. You are doing a good job. It’s easy to beat ourselves up and worry all the time about what other people are doing, or what they think of us. Slow down. Let things come. You have what you need. #mentalhealth #adhd #keepmoving https://indieweb.social/@funkatron/109874915044868823
[schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@rasterweb] Are there any self-hosted versions of Pinboard (which is like del.icio.us used to be)? I used to use Scuttle long ago... I see there is SemanticScuttle, last updated 10 years ago(!)Pinboard is great but I don't use it for discovery, just saving my own stuff.So really I want a... (https://mastodon.social/@rasterweb/109875146163388721)
↩️ things on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Fuck that corporate shit and write it in your own home! #mastodon #fediverse #indieWeb #rss #open https://mastodon.social/@rasterweb/109866254221865437 (2/2)
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] It’s darn hard to set up a somewhat user-friendly #indieweb service.Interoperability with some protocols requires you mix markup (i.e., microformats) with content.The idea behind it was “DRY,” like, cut out the “metacrap,” have your HTML be the single source of truth,... (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/109875310497360757)
[aciccarello] and gRegor joined the channel
[adactio.com] Montaigne This is an interesting little blogging tool: it turns a folder of notes on your Mac into a website. Create dedicated folder in the Apple Notes. Connect it to Montaigne. Add notes with your content. Everything will be published to the web automatically. (https://adactio.com/links/19910)
that does sound amazing
[post.lurk.org/@pixouls] Free and Cheap Things to do in Philly! less than or equal to $15Thanks to @jag for suggesting some food distroshttps://www.pixouls.xyz/philly.html#philadelphia #philly #thingsToDo #indieWeb (https://post.lurk.org/@pixouls/109876175940371443)
[indieweb.social/@tchambers] (2 of X)...We intend to stick around for the long run and see where this Federated, openweb social movement may take us all.From its beginning, its objective has been to provide a venue for creators of #indieweb, #fediverse, and #decentralized technology to cross-pollinate, as... (https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109876170340776709)
[timothy_chambe] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@flokosiol] Writing blog posts in a foreign language is really hard. I struggle so much to find the right words. It always sounds … kind of hacky!? #IndieWeb #WorkInProgress (https://mastodon.social/@flokosiol/109876918141455118)