#stream 2023-02-17

2023-02-17 UTC
[indieweb.social/@roadup] Thanks to @tchambers for introducing me to the concept of #calmtech. Along with the #IndieWeb, what initially seems to be going back is actually a great route to go forward. Totally on board this. https://calmtech.com (https://indieweb.social/@roadup/109877347174588665)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] @adam @noellemitchell Yeah, that looks cool! I am going to use wordpress.com, however, so I used brid.gy instead to implement it. Maybe one day, when I have bandiwdth to once again have a self hosted space. Just glad that the #IndieWeb wizards created it for us! (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109877407224077585)
[hachyderm.io/@liztai] I've always been a strong advocate for speaking up ... so this stance is something I don't really want to support, but I undertsand the physical, mental and even, monetary cost of speaking up. Oh well. If anything, this has been a good lesson in how important #IndieWeb is, and... (https://hachyderm.io/@liztai/109877392421652795)
Nineteen years ago last Saturday, @KevinMarks.com & I introduced^1 #microformats @OReillyMedia ETech 2004, building on "semantic (x)html". We’ve come a long way since, from methodologies to #microformats2, from publishing to peer-to-peer #IndieWeb ... https://tantek.com/t5PQ1
[aus.social/@spearmintwarlock] @liztai Hey, what has been happening? I certainly understand the need to build something within the context of the #indieweb. (https://aus.social/@spearmintwarlock/109877552257106722)
[mastodon.social/@box464] @liztai Sorry you had to go through that. You handled it well, and I hope that you do feel free to express yourself however you want! I enjoy your posts so hope you can find your #IndieWeb spirit again. (https://mastodon.social/@box464/109877582719885178)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[tantek.com] Nineteen years ago last Saturday, @KevinMarks.com & I introduced¹ #microformats @OReillyMedia ETech 2004, building on “semantic (x)html”.... (http://tantek.com/2023/047/t1/nineteen-years-microformats)
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@meadowhawk] It's a good practice when developing user apps solo to finish and walk away fro a week or two, then come back and run it. You'll feel more like a user and less like the developer. Hopefully looking more critically at what the experience is like. Just did that for my new IG to... (https://indieweb.social/@meadowhawk/109878152493049923)
gRegor and [tantek] joined the channel
[mstdn.social/@rmdes] Almost done getting a #dataviz #gephi academic researcher to join the open web with his own micro.blog as a starter! Which reminds me that my blog has been down for lazy/lack of time reasons for more than a year and it's high time I fix it and give it some love and regularity!... (https://mstdn.social/@rmdes/109879331795920027)
↩️ 4/4 更多感兴趣的朋友可以阅读这一份英文指南 https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[social.faebornnetworks.org/@katmmoss] C# will still be a language for me, but getting #OpenCAD off the ground right now is a little more important than being able to send #IndieWeb #Webmentions from #dotnet. (https://social.faebornnetworks.org/@katmmoss/109880138618182255)
[fosstodon.org/@leonp] Sighs at getting the 422 error from the Mastodon server when my RSS feed pushed to Mastodon via IFTTT. Brings back memories of it taking hours to get crossposting up and running.No-one ever said #indieweb was gonna be easy. ... (https://fosstodon.org/@leonp/109880134005724387)
[snarfed], [pfefferle], [KevinMarks] and [dave] joined the channel
[schmarty] and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@thom] Question regarding #federation -How does one improve the "reach" of a single user instance? The basic issue is when clicking on a toot from my other persona I regularly do not see many other replies unless I go to the original.Here on #IndieWeb that's less of a problem. Obviously... (https://indieweb.social/@thom/109880959519565047)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
^ good reason to bring it all back to your own site
gRegor, [asuh] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@janboddez] Note and Like Microformats https://jan.boddez.net/articles/note-and-like-microformats#indieblocks #microformats #wordpress #indieweb (https://indieweb.social/@janboddez/109882358735517259)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
I'm done with Twitter, you can find me Mastodon @jussinieminen@indieweb.social. Hope to see you all there!