#stream 2023-03-05

2023-03-05 UTC
[snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ Good to know! I'll look to put in the legwork over the next couple of weeks. I subscribe to elements of @indiewebcamp, which include "owning your domain & using it as your primary identity." Unfortunately, mostly when convenient to do so. I think the time is now.
[otter.garden/@joel] My last four toots were syndicated from my website. Starting to get to grips with this #indieweb thing, though I will admit doing it with a static site generator might be more trouble than it’s worth. http://www.joelotter.com/notes (https://otter.garden/@joel/109967729799727294)
[josh.tel/@josh] OK. Time to attempt my first ever personal newsletter email.I did up a draft at the end of January, but it was just a curated roll up of social posts. And I _do_ want to do that, but ... it was uninspiring. I can do something more interesting, like including some vignettes.Goal... (https://josh.tel/@josh/109967805867386727)
[martymcgui.re] Wiki spring cleaning, a false Fediverse, and how do you hashtag? It’s your < 10min update on the IndieWeb community!... (https://martymcgui.re/2023/03/04/144121/)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[io.waxandleather.com/@alisynthesis] This is a great fairly recent post by David Shanske on how to Indiewebify your WordPress site. I've found it very useful as I try to implement these protocols across a few websites of mine.https://david.shanske.com/2022/06/12/indiewebifying-a-wordpress-site-2022-edition/#IndieWeb... (https://io.waxandleather.com/@alisynthesis/109971609884270136)
[manton] joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@m2m] Not sure if I enjoy receiving webmentions so much because it's rare or because I still feel like it's a more genuine way to get in touch and communicate cross-site. I suppose I value it more because it actually takes effort.Still wish it'd be easier to implement for more people... (https://indieweb.social/@m2m/109971827701944703)
[tw2113_Slack_] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
GWG++ yay nicely done
GWG has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (56 in all channels)
[kibitz.cloud/@selfagency] here are over 60 #p2p, #fediverse, and #indieweb-related repos to pique your curiosity and excite your innovation https://github.com/stars/selfagency/lists/fediverse-indieweb-and-p2p (https://kibitz.cloud/@selfagency/109972397752293246)
[kimberlyhirsh], [snarfed] and [snarfed]1 joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@leonp] Blogged: Some notes on moving from Jekyll to either Kirby or WordPress ✍️ Go more indieweb and enjoy a proper CMS. It’s time to move on, but to Kirby or WordPress?... (https://fosstodon.org/@leonp/109972620647138578)
sugoi joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@kev] I’m around halfway through reading @manton book on indie publishing and microblogging. So far I’m really enjoying it and well worth a read if you’re into #Blogging, #IndieWeb and all that jazz.https://book.micro.blog/ (https://fosstodon.org/@kev/109973051997576751)
IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks] and [capjamesg] joined the channel