#stream 2023-03-06

2023-03-06 UTC
[manton]++ 👏 👏 👏
[manton] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
[capjamesg] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[adactio.com] I doubled-down on RSS – Eric Bailey In which Eric says: Jeremy Keith, you magnificent son of a bitch. I’ll take it. Appropriately enough, I read this post in my feed reader. (https://adactio.com/links/19973)
Lolwut. That showed how? Because it was tagged #indieweb? And if so via what search? Is [jeremycherfas] federating his links posts? And if so does that mean his hashtags are making it into Mastodon?
Oops autocomplete wrong Jeremy. Sorry [jeremycherfas]. I meant [Jeremy_Keith] obviously
yes, tagged indieweb
it's part of Loqi following a bunch of peoples' feeds looking for indieweb related terms
[benatwork], [jacky], barnaby, [aciccarello] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
[mstdn.social/@noellemitchell] Today is day 3 of learning how to #code my Neocities #blog 😆😬#html #css #IndieWeb #blogging (https://mstdn.social/@noellemitchell/109977531340339319)
gRegor, micheledm[m] and pmlnr1 joined the channel
[fosstodon.org/@alexstandiford] I have created a second RSS feed on my site, specifically for micro content, like the post you're reading right now.... (https://fosstodon.org/@alexstandiford/109978280411666608)
Ainda bem que que iniciei a transição gradual para o Mastodon/IndieWeb a alguns anos atrás. Twitter está no processo catabólico terminal. #RIPTwitter #Mastodon
[mikehayn.es/@mike] Anyone in the #WordPress and/or #indieweb community aware of a plugin that would let me import my Instapaper articles (bonus points if it could grab the highlights/notes) and add them to a “links” page on my blog? I’ve found a couple but they haven’t been updated in a... (https://mikehayn.es/@mike/109977393095341840)