IWSlackGateway, [schmarty], [snarfed], angelo and [tantek] joined the channel
#Loqi[fosstodon.org/@krosylight] Looking at #IndieAuth. It uses URL as the client identifier, but what if a fake native app steals the URL of another app? How can the user know whether the URL is genuinely linked to the app in their hand? Does someone have an answer? #indieweb #security... (https://fosstodon.org/@krosylight/110123029198508410)
[jamietanna], [schmarty] and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
#Loqi[werd.io/profile/benwerd] I’m focusing on the intersection of technology, media, and democracy. Subscribe by email to get every update.This is my monthly roundup of the links, books, and media I found interesting. Do you have suggestions? Let me know!Apps + WebsitesCultureAntilibraries – Catalogues... (https://werd.io/2023/the-notable-list-april-2023)
[tw2113_Slack_], [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
#Loqi[martymcgui.re] Test suites are totally sweet, and a virtual face-to-face to forward the Fediverse. It’s your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community!... (https://martymcgui.re/2023/04/01/093918/)