#stream 2023-04-02

2023-04-02 UTC
IWSlackGateway and [schmarty] joined the channel
tantek: it's not missed if I considered it and decided not to 🙃
(Test suites are not tout de suite because they are often not quick to make or to run!)
[tantek] joined the channel
Too true!
Este artículo me ha confirmado que quienes, de una forma u otra, creamos contenido haríamos bien en dedicar un tiempo a la salud de las plataformas donde lo hacemos. #ContentCreation #Indieweb #ContentStrategy https://onemanandhisblog.com/2023/03/does-it-matter-is-substack-is-in-trouble/
[marksuth] joined the channel
If you're looking to get started on Mastodon, @tchambers' feed is like Mastodon 101. https://indieweb.social/@tchambers
[mastodon.social/@benpate] Yes. Though at that point, wouldn’t you just be https://name.name.social ? That’s essentially the #IndieWeb model. It will probably require some more usability work on the DNS front, but the whole stack needs usability work right now. I still have to figure out BlueSky, too.... (https://mastodon.social/@benpate/110129356682032906)
[jeremycherfas] and aaronpk joined the channel
[manton.org] Good write-up about FediForum from The Fediverse Report. On the $40 pricing, I was a little skeptical at first of excluding too many people, but the attendance size was just right. Great participation. For the fediverse to reach its potential, there should be a mix of business... (https://www.manton.org/2023/04/02/good-writeup-about.html)
[chrisbergr] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ Crucially, you can follow me from any fediverse instance, just include the '@indieweb.social' suffix when searching from wherever you hang out.
By the way if you're wondering where I've been, I'm here https://indieweb.social/@aaronbieber
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel